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Gray (Enemy) Assimilated
Full name Gray (Enemy)
Artist 二花[1]
Affiliation Paradeus
Released on CN, TW, KR, EN, JP
Chibi animation

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The true face of The Lady of Ashes. Cool-headed and calculating, both attacks and weakens her enemies with her mechanical scorpion tail and regularly calls reinforcements.



Can use four different skills:

  • Self-Healing: gain a shield with HPs equal to 50% of lost health
  • Diagnosis: Greatly increases CD for highest DPS player-controlled unit, and reduces the RoF, armor and evasion of the lowest and highest HP player-controlled unit for 5 seconds every 10 seconds. Can proc twice when Gray is low HP.
  • End-of-Life Care and Reinforcements: Summons various enemy units.

Because she can debuff the player, gain resistance proportional to her lost HP and constantly calls reinforcements all at once, she should be bursted down quickly.



  • One of the exclusive Furniture pieces from Fixed Point is “Gray Stinger Stump”: “Once the instrument of her defeat, it is now a symbol of her victory, hacked off with her own hands.”
