Events (EN)/2019/September

Revision as of 04:57, 19 September 2019 by Ralence (talk | contribs) (woops.)



Neural Upgrade Special Login

September 19th 00:00 UTC-8 ~ October 3rd 23:59 UTC-8

To celebrate the release of the Neural Upgrade system, a 7 day login event is currently being held! Login for a total of 7 days to receive all rewards, including HG P226P226P226!

September 17th


Neural Upgrade Voting

September 17th 00:00 UTC-8 ~ September 19th 23:59 UTC-8

There is a public voting event to decide on which 3 T-Dolls will be the first ones to receive their Mod III! One out of three T-Dolls from each rarity of 2*, 3*, and 4* will be chosen.

What is the Neural Upgrade system? See →

2* pool:

3* pool:

4* pool:

September 16th


Combat EXP Boost

September 16th 00:00 UTC-8 ~ September 22nd 23:59 UTC-8

Combat EXP gained from all combat missions is boosted to 150%.

This boost acts as a final modifier on top of MVP/Leader bonuses.

September 7th


New T-Dolls Rate-Up

September 7th 00:00 UTC-8 ~ September 8th 23:59 UTC-8

A rate-up featuring the newly added T-Dolls commences! Note that the rate of obtaining a certain rarity of T-Dolls is unchanged, only the chance of obtaining a featured doll from their respective rarity is altered.

The featured T-Dolls are the following:

September 6th


Half Price Resources

September 6th 00:00 UTC-8 ~ September 8th 23:59 UTC-8

The prices for resource and contract packages are temporarily halved.

Limited to 50 purchases of each item per day.

September 1st


Daily Special

September 1st 00:00 UTC-8 ~ September 30th 23:59 UTC-8

The daily special is available for purchase! It contains   x100,   x100, and   x150.

One purchase available per day.


Special Offer

September 1st 00:00 UTC-8 ~ September 7th 23:59 UTC-8

For a limited time, you can purchase a package that contains cake x10,   x1,   x1, and   x1000.

Limited to 1 purchase per account.