IOP Wiki:How To/GFL2/T-Doll

"Maintenance is still ongoing."

This article is a work in progress. Additional information will follow soon.

The main page for Tactical Dolls from Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium uses Template:GFL2Doll. Consult the template to see parameters details.

Core Page Examples

About titles

To distinguish the article of Dolls with the same name in another game, “(GFL2)” is specified in the title. The solution to generalize game suffix for all page was previously discussed and rejected as it made navigation less intuitive.

Main article


  • Portrait: See #Files
  • Full Name: Used to exclude the “(GFL2)” part of the title from other templates.
  • Role, Specialty, Rarity, Affiliation, Body Type, Signature Weapon, Weapon Type, Affinities, Weaknesses, Personality, Imprint Boost: Taken from social media introduction or in-game
  • Released on: Should use Template:doll_server_alias to list the name of the Doll on a server where it differs from the others. Should also contain release year and month.
  • Voice Actors: Found on social media introduction or in-game, should be displayed with Template:voice actor name.


Usually left by default, the summary parameter can be defined to provide disambiguation links to topics with identical names.

Corresponding characters

For Dolls that appear in other games (identity confirmed or otherwise), use the PNC (for Project Neural Cloud) or GFL (for Girls' Frontline) parameters with the title of the corresponding article to display a quick link.

How to obtain

Taken from in-game observation or introduction post on social media.


Skills rely on information declared in a table using Template:SkillPanel. The table must be set in subpages of the T-Doll's articles (examples: Sharkry/skilldata, Sharkry/skill5data). This is also where the skill icon will be defined.

To reproduce the colors used in the skill descriptions, use Template:Color.

Neural Helix

Can be transcribed from social media posts or in-game.

How to use

Free-form text for units with little to say about gameplay strategies. If there is a lot to say, create a #Strategy subpage.

Character Design

Free-form text. Can contain a description of the T-Dolls' appearance and point out key design traits. Can also contain remarks from the artist, if a reference can be provided.

Character Background

Must contain the official social media introduction.

Weapon Background

If the Doll existed in GFL1, should contain a link to the section of the same name in her GFL1 page. If not, this is free-form text about the weapon's history and details. References are appreciated.


Free-form text, but only used when a #Story subpage would be too short. References are appreciated.


Should contain the names and method of acquisition of this Doll's costumes.


The gallery parameter should contain only the full-body illustrations. Costume names should be indicated but any other costume information must be added to GFL2 Costumes. Any other file should be listed in the galleryAlt parameter.


Should be presented as a bullet point list. Can include trivia about the real-world weapon that are not part of the core Weapon Background section.


These are the pages accessed with the tab at the top of the main page.


Free-form description of the strengths and use of the T-Doll in the gameplay.


Should only exist if there is enough material to cover (several substantial paragraphs). If not, use #Lore.

Usually organized this way:

  • Section detailing the character's personality, relationships and trivia that wouldn't fit anywhere else
  • Coverage of involvement in the main story
  • Coverage of side stories




Naming conventions

Some files must respect naming conventions when uploaded because they will be displayed automatically based on their name.

Any character illustration besides the default appearance is designated "costume" and numbered (usually in the order of addition to the game). A T-Doll with four costumes would have one basic set of files bearing her name, then four sets of files bearing her name with the tag “costume1” through “costume4”.

Where to find files

Aside from promo images and misc illustrations, all files must be extracted directly from the game. Do not reuse files found elsewhere to ensure they are unmodified and up to date.

Use any of the methods and tools documented by the community to extract the files from the archive files named after the T-Doll. Or ask in our Discord.

Note: The name of the Dolls in game files is not always the same as in-game. The technical name should be added to #Trivia for reference.


Naming Convention
  • <Articlename>_S.png

Portraits are stored in the game with the title Avatar_Bust_<Dollname>.

Full-body illustrations

Naming Convention
  • <Dollname>_Whole.png
  • <Dollname>_3D.png
  • <Dollname>_costume<Number>.png

The “whole” main artwork and costumes can be found on the official website or in the game files with the name Avatar_Whole_<Dollname>. In-game file may sometimes be cropped, in which case the website version is preferred. The in-game and website artworks may be different, in which case the website version should be stored in the Alternate gallery.

The “3D” in-game preview should be taken from the official website.

Skill icons

Naming Convention
  • Icon_Skill_<Original filename>.png

These are defined in the skills subpages. The original file name should be kept as certain skill icons are reused for other Dolls (especially for base attacks).

Other artworks

These should be displayed in the alt gallery:

  • Promotional images: includes the introductory profile, official emotes and occasional artworks shared on Weibo. A link to the post should be provided on the file's page.
  • Story artworks showing the Doll.
  • Alternate main artworks as outline in #Full-body illustrations.

Audio files


What about 3D?

A Wiki plug-in to display 3D models is technically feasible but requires the contribution of someone with the required technical skills.