Dreamer/Assimilated (Alt)

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Dreamer Assimilated Assimilated (Alt) Quotes
Dreamer - Moonlit Sentinel
Full name Dreamer - Moonlit Sentinel
Affiliation Sangvis Ferri
Voice actor [[Voice Actor:|]]
Artist RIRE[1]
Initial Rarity 3
Released on CN (梦想家-雾月翼手) EN (Dreamer - Moonlit Sentinel) (2024-11)
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Ringleader type assimilated SF unit (Halloween version).

"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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How to obtain

ASSIMILATION Can be obtained as a possible encounter with a capture chance of 25%.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward


Analysis Level 0 & Level 1
Deployment Cost 10
  Health (x1)/ Expression error: Missing operand for *.(x5)
  Damage   Evasion
  Accuracy   Rate of Fire
  Move Speed   Armor
  Armor Pen. Range N/A

Analysis Level 1 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
  Health (x1)/ Expression error: Missing operand for *.(x5)
  Damage   Evasion
  Accuracy   Rate of Fire
  Move Speed   Armor
  Armor Pen. Range N/A

Analysis Level 2 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
  Health (x1)/ Expression error: Missing operand for *.(x5)
  Damage   Evasion
  Accuracy   Rate of Fire
  Move Speed   Armor
  Armor Pen. Range N/A

Analysis Level 3 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
  Health (x1)/ Expression error: Missing operand for *.(x5)
  Damage   Evasion
  Accuracy   Rate of Fire
  Move Speed   Armor
  Armor Pen. Range N/A

Analysis Level 4 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
  Health (x1)/ Expression error: Missing operand for *.(x5)
  Damage   Evasion
  Accuracy   Rate of Fire
  Move Speed   Armor
  Armor Pen. Range N/A


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