A Battle Fairy which can potentially be obtained from Fairy Production.
Index Description:
- CN: 拥有制造嘲讽靶机的能力,平日可用于恶作剧。
- EN: Produces taunting target drones. Can be used in practical jokes on regular days.
Introduction Line:
- CN: 嘎啊!嘎啊!白痴!白痴!”
- EN: "Gah! Gah! Idiot! Moron!"
Game Data
Main artwork
Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game.
★ enhancement full artwork
★★★ enhancement full artwork
★★★★★ enhancement full artwork
★ enhancement chibi artwork
★★★ enhancement chibi artwork
★★★★★ enhancement chibi artwork
- The spawned practice target gets bigger with the increase of fairy skill rank.
- The stage 2 art of the fairy shows a different pattern on the actual target, a “滑稽(huaji)” emoji can be found. "huaji" is a very commonly used emoji that can be found in almost every corners of Chinese internet.
- Stage 3 art the target practice is covered by a picture of AR 6P626P626P62's face, 6P62 is illustrated by Girls Frontline's producer Yu Zhong and thus became his in-game representative avatar. Various other Easter eggs in game have shown the brutality against 6P62.
- The same treatment is also given to RF SimonovSimonovSimonov, since she is illustrated by the art supervisor of Girls Frontline, Phantania.