
Ouroboros Assimilated Quotes
SP24WR "Ouroboros"
Full name SP24WR "Ouroboros"
Affiliation Sangvis Ferri
Voice actor Ookubo Rumi
Artist 小枪[1]
Initial Rarity 3
Tags Unarmored, T-Doll, Ranged
Released on CN (衔尾蛇) (2020-8), TW, KR (우로보로스), EN, JP (ウロボロス)
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Ringleader-class assimilated SF unit, with a skill set focused on buffing allied units and debuffing enemy units. Can immobilize enemy units, preventing them from moving to a different node. Capable of weakening enemies upon scoring critical hits, allowing her allies to deal more damage. Passively increases allied rate of fire and movement while fighting in allied territory, and can actively increase the critical rate of allied units in combat.

How to obtain edit

ASSIMILATION Can be obtained as a possible encounter in Segment SP24WR Assimilation with a capture chance of 25%.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Stats edit

Analysis Level 0 & Level 1
Deployment Cost 10
 Repair 65
205 65
42 43
40% 150%
15 0
15 Range N/A

Analysis Level 1 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
 Repair 141
693 165
115 104
40% 150%
15 0
15 Range N/A
Formation Effect Increase

Analysis Level 2 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
 Repair 141
723 195
115 104
40% 150%
15 0
15 Range N/A
Base Stat Increase: Damage, Evasion

Analysis Level 3 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
 Repair 141
723 195
130 119
40% 150%
15 0
15 Range N/A
Base Stat Increase: Accuracy, Rate of Fire

Analysis Level 4 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
 Repair 141
723 195
130 119
40% 150%
15 0
15 Range N/A
Active Skill Enhancement

This unit does not receive new dummies when Analysis Level increases.

Skills edit

How to edit skills

Tile buffs

  1. Upgrade Level 1
    • Affects All units and Unarmored units
    • Increases Evasion and Crit Rate by 6% (All units)
    • Increases Damage and Accuracy by 5% (Unarmored units)
  2. Upgrade Level 2
    • Affects All units and Unarmored units
    • Increases Evasion and Crit Rate by 15% (All units)
    • Increases Damage and Accuracy by 12% (Unarmored units)

In-game description

An intelligent Doll created after the Butterfly Incident with high combat capabilities, specializing in short-range assaults and defensive battles. But as the test subject in the developmental stage, her AI is very unstable and difficult to control. Possessing an overwhelming tactical and intellectual advantage over other Ringleader models, she is very self-assured and conceited, but she has little actual combat experience and is too unpredictable even for her allies, which makes her highly dangerous.


References edit