Eos Story Profile Quotes

"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Main Story edit

The remaining consciousness of Eos in Eosphorous's neural sample helped the Professor survive as they analyzed his memories, and left clues for AntoninaAntonina and Neumann to find them. Antonina independently found Eos' code fragments and reconstituted them into a full neural cloud with Neumann's help. Antonina also determined that Eos and Eosphorous were both created from the same template but differed during their growth, making them akin to twins.[1][2]

Melodious Macrocosm edit

Eos was briefly mentioned during the event, with Riko noting that Miss Eos was the leader of the Wish Orchestra and played the harp. Per Riko, she "combined modern aesthetics and Greek classicism". Riko sold autographed pictures of Eos for 10.000 Diggcoins each, a sum that Centaureissi noted could buy 10 Oasis Special buns.

Mail - April 03 2024 edit

A Somewhat Weighty Blue-White Letter That Seems To Contain Something...

Professor...Is that how everyone addresses you? I'm still a little dazed and unable to adjust at the time of writing. That word is far too impersonal and nowhere as intimate as your name is. After all, it and the information it's linked to are the only bits of the past that feel real to me.

My memories have faded, and only my experiences by your side are fresh.

I'm doing very well in the Oasis at present. Certain unique circumstances have come up, but all this novelty is quite interesting. Still, I do find myself wishing that Atlas and the others were here.

Antonina tells me that my current body is anchored to and reconstructed from the earring I gave you before.

Thus, I thought I should give it to you again.

Although our relationship no longer requires specific objects to sustain it or to prove it exists, I still want to relive this process again.

In this way, I will know and be certain that someone on the cloud server has accepted my thoughts and feelings in their entirety, that someone else has engraved that awful, yet memorable journey in their hearts as well.


References edit

  1. Project Neural Cloud, Entropic Dichotomy Part 12
  2. Project Neural Cloud, Entropic Dichotomy Part 15