Story/Normal 1-5 (Part1)/Script

Revision as of 12:59, 26 March 2019 by Alluria (talk | contribs) (Changed lines to how they really appear in the english game)

Scene 1-5-1

Helian: VZ61 is in grave danger, Commander.
Helian: It doesn't matter whether she's leaked intel to the enemy. It is our duty to recover stranded T-Dolls.
Helian: So our current objective is to do everything we can to rescue VZ61.
Helian: Your mission this time, Commander, is to assist our troops in completing this rescue operation.
Helian: According to reports, there is a Sangvis recon base in the area, making it dangerous for us to move.
Helian: Please destroy the base quickly, so that our forces can mobilize undetected.
Helian: VZ-61's survival depends entirely on this operation. Begin whenever you're ready, Commander.