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FAL106<img src="//iopwiki.com/images/2/26/Infobox_name_5star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-top:355px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/b/b6/Icon_AR_5star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:1px;margin-top:1px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:225px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:200px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:175px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:150px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:125px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/2/2c/Infobox_border.png" style="position:absolute;z-index:2"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/3/35/FAL_S.png" id=fullart_S style="margin-top:21px;min-width:256px"/>
Full name FN FAL
Country of Origin Belgium
Manufacturer Fabrique Nationale de Herstal
Artist Suisai
Voice actor Yoshimura Haruka

FAL is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.

Weapon Background

FAL operates by means of a gas-operated action very similar to that of the Russian SVT-40. The gas system is driven by a short-stroke, spring-loaded piston housed above the barrel, and the locking mechanism is what is known as a tilting breechblock. To lock, it drops down into a solid shoulder of metal in the heavy receiver much like the bolts of the Russian SKS carbine and French MAS-49 series of semi-automatic rifles. The gas system is fitted with a gas regulator behind the front sight base, allowing adjustment of the gas system in response to environmental conditions. The piston system can be bypassed completely, using the gas plug, to allow for the firing of rifle grenades and manual operation. FAL's magazine capacity ranges from 5 to 30 rounds, with most magazines holding 20 rounds. In fixed stock versions of the FAL, the recoil spring is housed in the stock. However, in folding-stock versions, it is housed in the receiver cover, necessitating a slightly different receiver cover, recoil spring, and bolt carrier, and a modified lower receiver for the stock.

FAL rifles have also been manufactured in both light and heavy-barrel configurations, with the heavy barrel intended for automatic fire as a section or squad light support weapon. Most heavy barrel FALs are equipped with bipods, although some light barrel models were equipped with bipods, such as the Austrian StG58 and the German G1, and a bipod was later made available as an accessory.

Among other 7.62×51mm NATO battle rifles at the time, the FN FAL had a relatively light recoil due to the gas system being able to be tuned via regulator in fore-end of the rifle, which allowed for excess gas which would simply increase recoil to bleed off. In fully automatic mode, however, the shooter receives considerable abuse from recoil, and the weapon climbs off-target quickly, making automatic fire only of marginal effectiveness. Many military forces using FAL rifles eventually eliminated full-automatic firearms training in the light-barrel FAL

Character Info


According to interview of artist Suisai on the Artbook <THE ART OF GIRLS'FRONTLINE UNTIL THE STARS>:

  The first edition appearance was based on English version L1A1, but the results was not that good, then changed it back to FAL, and kept original ideas of the ferret and the kukri on L1A1. 
  As one of the best three product of FN company, FAL must be the pride of FN. In this case the inspiration of her is about “Elite” and “Noble”, which lead to an outstanding and core member of the team. 
  Idea of T-Doll + T-Pet comes from the movie Cats & Dogs, at the beginning the T-Pet was a cat, but it was too big, then I realized that ferret should be the one while in snow area, and changed into it. And it has a name fal (same as its master). 

The flower on Wedding skin “The Most Important Day”, the flower on her hand is the National flower of Belgium—Azalea Flower (Same as Five-seveN).

The story behind creating the ferret:

  At beginning there was an idea about “Fox Hunter”, so the first impression was Arctic fox, its logo was also finished. Then thought again, fox is too big, changed into cat, but it seems cats are troublesome (in some ways), then suddenly a new idea flash through my head (Are you New-Type?), cats→mongoose→weasel→ferret, then the first generation ferret was born. (Connect to the previous mention about L1A1, looks like originally FAL has got pink hair.)
  After a bit time found out that the result feels kinda weird, so the ferret was reworked and became the current 2nd generation ferret fal. 


According to official Fanbook <THE ART OF GIRLS'FRONTLINE UNTIL THE STARS>:

  Being very proud of her origination, Words and deeds are arrogant, claims that she has an excellent tastes on fashion and the fact is opposite. However due to her experience and ability, no one wants to point that out. 

And from the interview of GF Tieba, FAL likes to choose and pair clothes for Commander, she is also a fan of chocolate taste food, that could be the reason that she has a good relationship with AR FNCFNCFNC.

From the story of Chapter 6 Midnight, FAL is very good at calculating and considering the situation as a whole, she would even sacrifice her if needed. Though to the outsider FAL is very cold blooded and sends her teammates’ death, but it is all under her calculation. And HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN is also the only one that understand that, though she always say that they can’t get along with each other.


Story Involement


"This is classified information!"

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  • Main Story
FAL first appear in Chapter 6 Midnight, where she was assigned to lead Team FN with Five-seveN to investigate the missing T-Doll incident in Sector S08. FAL sends RF FN-49FN-49FN-49 and FNC to lure Achemist, but new intel from AR T91T91T91 comes in later and inform FAL that Alchemist only took the bait of elite T-Doll. She then told Five-seveN the next step and sends her out. However the true purpose of FAL is to send everyone out and leaves her alone to meet SF Boss unit Alchemist in the base.
"Now...Do you like shoes, FAL?"
"... You are asking the right person, Alchemist."
  • Operation Rabbit Hunting
Operation Rabbit Hunting connects soon after Chapter 6 Midnight, and Team FN leads the story and FAL once again uses her decoy method to lure the enemy units to show up.
"Since 'the Rabbit' won't come out of the nest,...only thing we can do is to deliver 'Carrots' to her."

Game Data

66(x1)132(x1) / 660(x5)
20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
21 57
5 38
6 43
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
48 72
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Affects submachine guns
Increases evasion by 20%


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 那么,你就是我的指挥官喽……好吧,打起精神来,别让我失望哦。 さっで、アナタが私の指揮官のようねぇ。まっ、私を失望させないよう、しっかりやってくださいね。Play So, you're my Commander...fine, cheer up a bit. Don't let me down.
Introduction 来自战后全新的步枪研发计划的“轻型自动步枪”,简称“FAL”,在经过多年争议和改进后最终完成。作为世上著名的步枪武器,我曾是诸多国家和佣兵的作战装备,并分裂为两种制式。当然,那就是人类要操心的事情了。
Secretary 忘记了什么重要的事吗?......别忘记我就好了。 何か忘れ物?私の事を忘れないでね。Play Did you forget anything? ...Just don't forget about me.
今天的红茶味道还不错,那么,今天的巧克力呢? 紅茶の味は、まあまあかな。それで、今日のチョコは?Play The tea today is not bad. Then, what about todays chocolate?
真是的,指挥官!原本的你,应该在认真点才对吧! も、指揮官ったら。貴方はもっと真面目の人でしょう?Play Tonight, we shall have flowers, sports cars and a noble feast. I will make FF FN49 green with envy.
Secretary (post OATH)
Your clothes are all messed again. You're not alone anymore, so please be more aware of your responsibilities. Here, let me fix you up.
Don't be so nervous, though it's an important day. Don't worry, from now on, you will fulfill your duty. I won't make mistakes on that.
Greeting 今天的行程已经想好了嗎?有空在那里想东想西的,还不赶快当好你的指挥官。 今日の予定は考えできた?心配してる暇があるなら、もっとマシな指揮官になってよ。Play What's the plan for today? If you are free, you'd better fulfill your duty as Commander rather than hanging around.
T-Doll Produced 新的孩子?來,Cheeeese! 新しい子?はい、チーズ!Play New comer? Come on, Say "Cheese"!
Joining an echelon 哼,就让我好好來纠正一下你们的品味。 フン、あなた達のセンスを直してあげるわ。Play Huh, I'm the one to correct your terrible tastes.
Enhancement 给我的?嘛,稍微算有点品味,我就收下吧。 私に?まあ、そこそこセンスがあるから良いでしょう。Play That's for me? hmm, something with fair taste, I'll keep that.
Dummy-linking 就是这样嘛,什么都丟给我一个人做也太奸诈了。 そう来なくっちゃ!何もかも私にやらせるのはズルイもの。Play Now that's what I'm talking about! It's so cunning that leave everything to me.
Logistics (start) 这个世界还沒有我沒去过的地方。 この世界に、私が行った事のない場所はないのよ。Play I've been to every corner of the world.
Logistics (end) 我回來了。那些孩子真是的,出门就那么值得大惊小怪嗎? ただいま。あの子達ったら、出掛けるのはそんなに珍しいの?Play I'm back. Really? Going out is THAT rare for these girls?
Autobattle 仅此一次喔,好好看着。 一回だけよ、良く見てなさい!Play One-time only, pay close attention!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出发吧,前往自由的世界! 行きましょう、自由な世界へ!Play Path to the Free World!
Starting a battle 虽然沒听过你,你还差的远呢。 誰だが知らないけど、貴方はまたまたよ。Play Haven't heard about you, but you still have lots more to work on!
Skill activation 不要放过这个机会! 好機を逃すな!Play Don't miss the window!
是我的话就会这么做。 私ならこうするわよ。Play I would do this if I were you.
破绽百出呢,都为你感到悲伤了。 弱点がバレバレよ。可哀想なくらい。Play I feel so sad that your weakness is everywhere.
Heavily damaged 呃,轻敌了 ん、舐めてだわ。Play Shoot, I underestimated the enemies.
Retreat 真是难以置信!对面竟然有如此经验丰富的敌人! 信じられない!こんなに、経験豊富な敵がいるなんで!Play I can't believe the enemies have got such experienced units.
MVP 对我來说这场胜利沒什么了不起的。对指挥官來说,嘛,有记录下來的价值吗? 私にとってこの勝利は大した事じゃないけど。指揮官からしたら、まあ、記録する価値があるかな?Play Victory? No big deal for me. Now, is it worth recording, Commander?
Restoration 指挥官,不要过来。现在状态不太好。 指揮官、来ないで。今は都合が悪くって。Play Stay away, Commander. I'm not in good condition.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 为什么大家会对于这么诡异的节日感到兴奋啊?算了,至少有糖吃也不错。 こんな不気味な祭り、何でみんなワクワクしてるのかしら。まっ、たまにはお甘菓子もいいけど。Play Why is everyone excited about such a creepy festival? Well, at least that we can get some candies.
Christmas 圣诞快乐,指挥官……趁早让舞会结束吧,一直穿着这套礼服……感觉有点冷呢…… メリークリスマス、指揮官……さっさと舞踏会を終わらせましょう。このドレスじゃ、ちょっとさむいわぁ。Play Merry Christmas, commander....... please end this ball early.......I'm feeling cold.......wearing this dress.......
New Year's Day 指挥官,新年快乐!真是的,好歹在新年也注意一下自己的形象吧。过来,我帮你整理一下。 あけおめ、指揮官!もう、新年ぐらい身だしなみ注意しなさいよ。おいで、ちょっとなおしてあげる。


Happy New Year, Commander! Ah...Why not pay more attention on your appearance in New Year. Come, I'll help you fix it.
Valentine's day 今晚,我一定要让FN49好好开一开眼界,让她知道大人的情人节是什么样子的。 今夜はヨンキュウちゃんに、大人のバレンタインでってモノを教えてあけおめわぁ。


I'll definitely let 49 knows what an adult's Valentine look like tonight.


  • FAL was nicknamed "The right arm of the free world" because it was widely used by NATO countries and American/European-friendly nations.
  • The British version of FAL, the L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle had removed the automatic fire function. During the Falkland War in 1982, the British soldiers preferred to use the original version of FAL which looted from their Argentine opponent.
  • FAL is the team leader of Team FN. As of May 2018, Team FN consist of 6 members: AR FALFALFAL, HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN, AR FNCFNCFNC, RF FN-49FN-49FN-49, AR F2000F2000F2000, and RF BallistaBallistaBallista.
  • Though Team FN is extraordinary events specialists, they didn't appear in Hitori Bocchi and Glory Day events.
