DP-12 Quotes Live2D
Gun Information
Full name Standard Manufacturing DP-12
Country of origin United States
Manufacturer Standard Manufacturing
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor -TBA-
Artist Pandea work
Released on Not released yet
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

How to obtain

NORMALHEAVY Timer 8:13:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Not obtainable as a drop.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment

Union Skill

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data

10(x1)100(x1) / 500(x5) 30(x1) / 90(x5) 40(x1) / 140(x5)
? ?
? ?
? ?
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
? ?
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
? ?
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Clip Size
 Clip Size

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.
Affects machine guns
Increases ?? by ??%
Increases ?? by ??%

Weapon Background


"Maintenance is still ongoing."

This article is a work in progress. Additional information will follow soon.

The DP-12 is a bullpup 12-gauge pump action double-barreled shotgun designed by Standard Manufacturing. It has two tube magazines, each of which feeds its own barrel. Each magazine tube can hold up to seven 2.75-inch (70 mm) 12-gauge shotshells or six 3-inch (76 mm) shotgun shells.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • Although its very subtle, on the insides of SG DP-12DP-12DP-12's has 3 pictures as well as her ID card. One of the pictures is too blurry to show any character, another of the pictures shows a possible T-doll who has yet to be implemented, and one visibly shows the young little painter RF KSVKKSVKKSVK, showing a possible connection between the two T-dolls. Or its just because both the dolls in question were drawn by the same artist.
  • Prior to SG DP-12DP-12DP-12's official showcase, Pandea work posted a summer themed picture of RF KSVKKSVKKSVK some time in 2019 which which had a blue-haired girl in the background who had a very notable resemblance to SG DP-12DP-12DP-12 as well as having one of her shield drones floating above her, this might've been foreshadowing to DP-12's eventual release or just a subtle coincidence.
