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Full name OTs-14 Groza (ОЦ-14 "Гроза")
Country of Origin Russian
Manufacturer TsKIB SOO
Voice actor Inoue Marina

OTs-14 is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.


Weapon Background

Character Info

Game Data

55(x1)110(x1) / 550(x5)
20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
17 49
7 54
7 54
 Rate of Fire
50 75
 Move Speed
 Crit. Rate
 Crit. Damage
 Armor Pen.
Affects submachine guns
Increases accuracy by 65%
Increases rate of fire by 25%

Reward for 2016 Summer event E4/possible battle reward from E1-2 of Operation Deep Dive. Not currently obtainable.


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition OTs-14“闪电”,您就是我的指挥官吗?……很好,难得的机会,就让我们愉快相处吧。 グローザ(Гроза)14だ。あなたが私の指揮官?そう、これから楽しくやりましょう。Play OTs-14"Lighting", Are you my Commander?...... Very good, There aren't many chances like this, so let us get along.
Introduction OTs-14“闪电”是在AKS-74U卡宾枪的基础上研发的,结合了各种近战枪械特点的新式突击步枪。不过,只有结合了榴弹发射器才能称之为完整的“闪电”。这样的我在内务部队和特种部队都曾颇受欢迎,今日也请您多多指教喽。 OTs-14 "Groza". Designed based on AKS-74U, a new assault rifle designed with reference to attributes of other close-quarter combat weapons. But only when the grenade launcher is mounted should I be called "Groza". I've seen service in secret service and special forces alike, hope we get along together.
Secretary 让我猜猜.....你的表情,不是要谈工作吧? 果ててみましょうか?その顔じゃ、仕事ではないのね?Play Let me guess... This expression of your, you're not here to talk about work.
今天有什么计划,说来听听吧。 今日の計画は?言ってみて。Play What plans do you have today? Let's hear them.
哦?不错的气氛呢......再来点音乐配合一下? いい雰囲気ね、音楽とか掛けてみる?Play Oh? The mood isn't too bad... Shall we play some fitting music?
Secretary (post OATH)
What do you want to eat tonight? How about letting me cook again? Don't be embarrassed, didn't we have fun a few times before.


This is..... for me? This is hardly a surprise. But, All of the suffering you've endured so far, I've seen it all with my eyes. You are the Commander whom I've deemed worthy to entrust my beliefs to, let us stay side by side forever.
Greeting 嘛,别那麽紧张啦。先来喝杯茶吧? さあ、そんなに緊張しないで。先ずはお茶でも一杯どう?Play Don't be so tense, relax, a cup of tea for you?
T-Doll Produced New friend?干一杯吧。 ニューフレンド?乾杯しましょう。Play New friend? Toast to that.
Joining an echelon Гроза(闪电),悉听尊命。 グローザ(Гроза)、仰せのままに。Play Groza, awaiting orders.
Enhancement 简单且有效的改造,感觉刚刚好。 シンプル且つ有効な改造。ちょうどいい感じ。Play Simple and effective modifications, feels just right.
Dummy-linking 谢谢,这样早上就有人能叫我起床了呢。 ありがとう。これで朝は誰かに起こしもらえるはね。Play Thanks, Now I have someone to wake me up in the morning.
Logistics (start) 差不多该出发了。 そろそろねPlay Time to go.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,比预定的时程还快呢。 ただいま、予想以上に早かったね。Play I'm back, went faster than planned.
Autobattle 让我为你们画上句点吧,蛀虫们。 これで終わりにしましょう。蛆虫達。Play This means the end for you, filths.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 机会来了,出发吧。 チャンスだ、出発せよ。Play Our chance, move out!
Starting a battle 不要露出破绽! 隙きを与えるな!Play Do not show weaknesses!
Skill activation 就是现在,开火! 今だ、撃て!Play Now, commence fire!
碍事! 邪魔だ!Play Out of my way!
诶~还有想要反抗的家伙呀。 へ~また反抗したい奴がいるの。Play You dare resist me?
Heavily damaged 昨晚都没睡多少,果然状态不好。 昨日寝てないから、やっぱり調子が悪い。Play Lack of sleep last night is effecting my performance...
Retreat 稍微休息一下,冷静的思考对策吧。 一旦休憩して、冷静に考えましょう。Play Small break for now, let's think about another way around this.
MVP 漂亮的胜利。之后的庆功宴就拜託了,指挥官。 いい勝利。後の打ち上げは宜しくね、指揮官。Play Beautiful victory. The triumphant dinner will be on you then Commander.
Restoration 交给指挥官你了,我要小睡一下。 指揮官に任せるわ、私は少し寝るから。Play It's in your hands now Commander, I'll have a short nap...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day



  • Known to be really bad at keeping a proper sleeping schedule.
  • Being one of the most adaptive assault rifles in the world, this rifle comes with many spare parts, the artist ASK made a comment about this while sharing the designing ideas: "The gun had too many parts so I gave her a box. (枪的部件比较多就给配了个箱子)".
  • She is currently holding the 7.62x39mm variant Groza-1 configuration.
  • Groza have a specially made alternative pistol grip designed, which could launch a 40mm grenade-launcher and fire the gun with a single trigger pull.
  • Just like AR OTS12 OTS12     , the previous experimental weapon project by TSKIB SOO, Groza also have a great amount of exchangeable parts with AKs-74u
