G3 Story Quotes

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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您好,指挥官。从今天起,请用G3这个名字……称呼我吧。 こんにちは、指揮官さん、G3ジースリーと呼んでください。Play Greetings Commander, from now on please address me as G3.
Introduction G3自动步枪,最早是战争期间一个没能实现的试验武器。直到战争结束后,设计者在各国辗转多年,我才获得正式出场的机会。出口到世界各地后,都有不错的表现,也产生了多种变形,稍稍可以自豪一下…… G3 auto rifle, one of the early prototype weapon systems during the war. After the war, the designer went to many countries and eventually I have the chance to show myself. After exporting to many countries with many positive feed backs, I've also gained many different variants, something I can be proud of myself about...
Secretary 应该说是没有自信吧,总之……自己也说不清楚…… 自信がないと言いますか…なんかよく分からないです…Play I guess you can say I have no self-confidence... In any case, I don't know how to explain it...
啊,不,没什么…… あ、いいえ、何も…Play Ah, no, it's nothing...
呀!请不要冷不丁地摸人家! え?!いきなり触るのは止めてください!Play Eek! Please don't suddenly touch me like that!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, is there anything else that I can do for you? I can't repay your trust and kindness with how little I'm doing for you...
Commander, will you accept me regardless of how I look?Is that so...? Then please let me stay by your side and grow from your guidance.
Greeting お帰りなさい、指揮官さん。Play Welcome back, commander.
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間ですか?はじめまして、よろしくおねがいします。Play Is it a new comrade? Nice to meet you, I'm looking forward to working together.
Joining an echelon 出撃の準備はできてます、いつでも行けます。Play The preparation for sortie is completed. I'll ready anytime.
Enhancement これで大丈夫です。Play This will be enough.
Dummy-linking 編成拡大ですか?何が他に目新しい事は?Play Dummy linking? Is there more additional stuff?
Logistics (start) さあ、皆さん。出発しましょう。Play Everyone, let's depart.
Logistics (end) 皆さん無事に戻りましたよ、えぇ。Play Yes, everyone has come back safely.
Autobattle 今回の私、皆さんを手助けできてます?良かった…Play Can I help everyone this time? I'm glad...
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission では、出撃します。Play Well then, let's head out for war!
Starting a battle 敵軍の位置を確認できました。Play Enemy troops position confirmed.
Skill activation 用意、撃て!Play Ready, fire!
ごめんなさい、抵抗しても無駄なんです。Play I'm sorry, resistance is futile.
やっぱり、本気出しましょうか。Play Time to get serious.
Heavily damaged このぐらいなら…へ、平気です。Play I can... still fight
Retreat な、なんで?Play W-why?
MVP 久々の勝利です。指揮官さん、ありがとうございます。Play This is my long-awaited victory. Commander, thank you very much.
Restoration 増員ですか?えーと、もう少し変更は?Play You're increasing the number of personnel? Umm, what about making a few more modifications?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween イタズラとお菓子…指揮官さんならはどっちがいいですか?Play Pranks and candies... If it's you, which do you prefer, commander?
Christmas 指揮官さんも手伝ってくれますか?クリスマスツリーの飾りつけです。Play I'm decorating the christmas tree, you want to help as well?
New Year's Day 指揮官さん明けましておめでとうございます。


Commander, Happy New Year.
Valentine's day はい、バレンタインチョコです。


Here, your valentine chocolate.
Tanabata 指揮官さん短冊掛けたら飾ってあげますね。


I'll hang your tanzaku, commander.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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MOD3 Voice lines edit

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,此刻的我,已经焕然一新了,不过当然,还是用那个名字来称呼我吧。 指揮官さん、私は新しくなりましたが…今までと同じように、あの名前で呼んでください。Play Commander, I've been renewed. Please call me with the name I use until now.
Introduction G3自动步枪,最早是战争期间一个没能实现的试验武器。直到战争结束后,设计者在各国辗转多年,我才获得正式出场的机会。出口到世界各地后,都有不错的表现,也产生了多种变形,稍稍可以自豪一下…… G3 auto rifle, one of the early prototype weapon systems during the war. After the war, the designer went to many countries and eventually I have the chance to show myself. After exporting to many countries with many positive feed backs, I've also gained many different variants, something I can be proud of myself about...
Secretary 指挥官,我该做什么呢?也许我该自己思考一下? 指揮官さん、私は何をすればいいでしょうか。Play Commander, what do you want me to do?
真想为大家做点什么,我应该还可以做得更多。 もっと、みなさんのお役に立ちたいです。Play I want to become more useful to everyone.
指挥官,您是在用您的方式,教我怎么和人相处吗? 指揮官さん、これは…指揮官さん流のコミニュケーションなんですか?Play Commander, is this your way to communicate?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, what can I do for you? I still can't repay you back.
Commander, you would accept me regardless of how I look? Very well...please let me stay at your side. I'll listen to your lessons and continue improving.
Greeting おはようございます、指揮官さん。今日は私がお手伝いします。Play Good morning, Commander. I will help you work today.
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間ですか?はじめまして、よろしくおねがいします。Play Is it the new comrade? Nice to meet you, we will work together.
Joining an echelon 命令確認。こんどこそ必ずやり遂げます。Play Orders confirmed, in short order, I'll be sure to see it through to the end.
Enhancement 新しい改造とっても良いいです。気に入っています。Play The new modification is nice. I've taken a liking to it.
Dummy-linking 編成拡大ですか?何が他に目新しい事は?Play Dummy linking? Is there more additional stuff?
Logistics (start) さあ、皆さん。出発しましょう。Play Everyone, let's depart.
Logistics (end) 皆さん無事に戻りましたよ、えぇ。Play Yes, everyone has come back safely.
Autobattle 今回の私、皆さんを手助けできてます?良かった…Play Can I help everyone this time? I'm glad...
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 任務開始。みなさん、よろしくおねがいします。Play Mission start, Everyone, let's work together.
Starting a battle 敵です。直ちに迎撃します。Play It's the enemy. Intercept immediately.
Skill activation 仲間を援護します。Play I'll support my comrade.
諦めて、負けを認めてください。Play Surrender and accept your lose
みなさん、もっと力をください。Play Everyone, please lend me your strength.
Heavily damaged ここで、倒れるわけには…Play To be defeated here...
Retreat ここまでですか?…もっと、みなさんのために戦いたかったです。Play Is this how far I can go? I still want to fight for everyone .
MVP みなさん、この結果どうですか?…良かった、私も嬉しいです。Play Everyone, how about this result? I'm glad.
Restoration 増員ですか?えーと、もう少し変更は?Play You're increasing the number of personnel? Umm, what about making a few more modifications?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ハロウィン言い伝え一様すこししています。陣労お話なんですが、聞きたいですか?Play Halloween is a good time for storytelling. It's a war story though, do you want to hear it?
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官さん。みなさんを呼んでプレゼント交換しましょ。Play Merry Christmas, commander. Let's call everyone and exchange presents.
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます、指揮官さん。新しい年みんなさんと一緒に成長したいと思います。どうぞよろしくお願いします。


Happy New Year, commander. In the new year I want to grow together with everyone. Please take care of me.
Valentine's day 今日はバレンタインで…何をして気持ちを伝えてらいいか分からなかったのでカード作りました。受け取ってもらいますか?


For today's valentine... I didn't know how to convey my feelings, so I made this card. Will you please accept it?
Tanabata 七夕ってどうやってお祝いしたらいいのでしょうか?え?ディナー?私とですか?


How do you want to celebrate Tanabata? Eh? By having a dinner... with me?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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