Full name Styx
Affiliation Entropics
Class Guard
Artist Unknown

Styx is an Entropic enemy in Project Neural Cloud.

Stats / Data edit

Styx is classified as Melee, Durable, Middle Entropy.

  • Corruption Resistance (8s): Enters the Guard state for 5 seconds, Taunting all nearby enemies within 1 tile, and reducing all damage received by 10%. During this time, deals Operand Damage equal to 20% Hashrate to the attacker when targeted by Normal Attacks. Recovers 10% Max HP after the Guard state ends.
  • Withering Grace (1.6s): Increases the Max HP of ally Entropics by 10%. When targeted by Normal Attacks, ally Entropics have a 50% chance to reduce damage taken by 30% and recover HP equal to 30% Styx's Hashrate. The HP recovery is twice as effective on Guards.

Appearances edit

Styxes are advanced Entropic enemies making their debut in Chapter 6.


References edit