Story/Normal 5-5 (Part2)/Script
[Provided cover for troops entering Sangvis territory.]
M4A1: Calling Commander. The AR Team has reached our destination under cover.
We have almost finished collecting the information. Requesting further directives...
M16A1: Pull yourself together, SOP-II. You’re a T-Doll.
M4 SOPMOD II: I can’t precisely because I’m a T-Doll...
We’re only tools made for fighting, so why do we have modules that simulate emotions?
All we have to point at our enemies and pull the trigger...
M16A1: Who knows.
Perhaps it wasn’t like the beginning.
M4A1: AR Team, the commander says we can retreat once we are done collecting the information.
M16A1: Got it. Let’s go, SOP-II.
M4 SOPMOD II: Yeah...
M4A1: SOP-II, are you okay?
M4 SOPMOD II: I...don’t know...
We only got back together...after going through so much...
M4A1: The commander told me AR-15 will not be disarmed. She will be back very soon.
M16A1: That’s good. Or the next time we see her would be either at the cafe or the coal mines.
M4A1: She may be able to return by the time we get back this time.
M4 SOPMOD II: Hmm...
Then let’s...
AR Team: ...!!
M16A1: ...It’ emergency broadcast!
Helian: Attention, all Griffin field commanders and T-Doll troops.
This is an urgent announcement.
M4A1: ...?
Helian: Tactical Doll AR-15 of the AR Team...
Disobeyed the orders from Griffin High Command and left the base without permission.
M16A1: ...?!
Helian: Would all field commanders and T-Dolls please restrain her on sight.
M4 SOPMOD II: AR-15...?
Helian: As the unit is suspected of carrying malware, if the situation calls for it...
...You have permission to damage Tactical Doll AR-15.
M4A1: ...
Why... AR-15...
What on earth are you thinking...