Liberator Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition Hello!公平、公正的温彻斯特解放者登场!指挥官,请将我派遣到所有不平等的战场吧! ハロー!公正公平のWinchester Liberatorだよ!不平等の戦場があったら、うちに行かせてよね!Play Hello! The fair and just Winchester Liberator has arrived! Commander, please dispatch me to all the unfair battlefields!
Secretary 吃那么多炸鸡会影响我的体重……?不不,炸鸡不能算的啦! そんなにフライドチキンを食べてたら体重が増える?いやいや…フライドチキンノーカンだから!Play Eating fried chickens will effect my body weight...? No no, not the fried chickens!
指挥官,可不要太偏心某些人形哦,哼哼……您说我指的是谁呢? 誰かを贔屓しちゃだめだからね、指揮官、ふふん。さて、誰のことだろうね?Play Commander, you can't play favourites to certain dolls alright? Hehe... who do you think I'm referring to?
我们的敌人是不是也有非战斗不可的理由呢……可以的话,真想和他们好好谈谈。 うちらも敵にも、戦わなきゃいけない理由ってあったりのかな?出来ることなら、ちゃんと話し合ってみたいな…Play Do our enemies also have a reason to fight...? If so, can we talk it out with them instead.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander you're spacing out, you're not usually like this, is there something on your mind? Come and talk about it, you can tell me anything, just give me enough equivalent of fried chicken after!
What's up Commander, deliberately calling me out is unfair for the other dolls alright... Eh?! This is a... Commander you should know I dislike unfair treatments... Hehe, that was a joke! Since you've gone ahead and broke the balance, I too should play favourites with you now, please look forward to our days ahead...
Greeting あ、指揮官!今日のスケジュール、ちゃんと練てきた?Play Oh, Commander! Have you worked out your schedule for today?
T-Doll Produced 新入りが来るの?新入りにも、他の人形達と同じ扱いはしなきゃだめだからね?Play Are there new arrivals coming? Make sure that you treat the new girls the same as the others, okay?
Joining an echelon ふふん、うちが強すぎてチームのバランスを崩すちゃうかもよ?Play Hmhmm, if we're too strong, we might upset the balance of the team you know?
Enhancement いい感じ!このバランスを保って行こう!Play Good stuff! Let's maintain this balance!
Dummy-linking 人数が増えても、誰かを贔屓しちゃだめだからね?Play Even if our numbers increase, you can't go around having favorites, okay?
Logistics (start) うちがいない間、目立たない子達の面倒は頼んだよ。Play While I'm away, I need you to keep an eye on the trouble children.
Logistics (end) ただいま~!ちゃんと公平にみんなに制してた?Play We're back~! Were you able to get everyone to behave?
Autobattle オッケうちに任せて!あの人達には平和を贈るよ!Play Okay, leave it to me! I'll show them what peace looks like!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出発!不平等の戦場開放しに行こう!Play Move out! Time to open up this unfair battlefield!
Starting a battle 争いを負け起こしてるあんたらね?Play Are you losing this fight?
Skill activation これが公正の審判だよ!Play This is fair judgement!
武力介入しちゃいぞ!Play You need to intervene with force!
降参したら、風流は正当に扱うからね。Play Surrender, the wind shall judge you fairly.
Heavily damaged 指揮官ごめん…やちゃったかも…Play Sorry, Commander...I think I'm through...
Retreat 体重のせいでバランスを崩したのかな…一先ず引くしかないね…Play I think I lost my balance because of my weight...guess I'll pull out now...
MVP 狡いなんかしてないよ。これは公平な戦いだったね。Play No cheap tricks here. That was a fair fight.
Restoration いたたた…次こそバランスを…Play is balancing...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween はーいストップ。指揮官、ここ通りたければ…等価交換だよ~ホットドッゴとフライドチキンを「」持ってきて!え、お菓子?太っちゃうからだめ!Play Okay, right there's good. Commander, if you want to pass...time for some equivalent exchange~ Give me some hot dogs and fried chicken and we'll call it even! Huh, sweets? That simply will not do!
Christmas ねぇねぇ指揮官、クリスマスの買出しに付き合ってくれない?え?もちろん荷物持ちは指揮官だけど?公平でしょう?Play Hey hey Commander, want to go with me to do some Christmas shopping? Eh? Of course, you'll be the one to carry the goods, right? That's only fair, isn't it?
New Year's Day ハッピーニューイヤー!指揮官、うちからのプレゼントはもう見た?あの金ピカの天秤、すっごく高かったんだよ!


Happy New Year! Commander, have you seen your present yet? Picking out a nice golden balance scale was really expensive!
Valentine's day あっという間にバレンタインだね。指揮官、チョコならホワイトとブラック、どっちが好き?やっぱやーめた。だって、選ばれなかった方が可哀相じゃな。


Valentine's sure came quick didn't it? Commander, for your chocolate, do you prefer white or black? I see, that's too bad after all. In the end, it's a pity you didn't choose me.
Tanabata ん?七夕?あまり聞いたことないけど。え?!織姫さまと彦星さまが唯一会える日なの?!そんな…一年に一度だけなんて不公平過ぎるよ!指揮官!今すぐ七夕を作った人の所に連れてって!


Huh? Tanabata? I don't know that much about it. Eh?! It's the only day Orihime and Hikoboshi can be together?! Well...that's just unfair for this event to happen only once a year! Commander, take me to the person who made up Tanabata right now!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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