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K3 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 报告,K3已成功抵达终点!请指挥官发布接下来的训练内容吧! K3、目標地点に到着!指揮官、次のトレーニングメニューを決めてくださーい!Play K3 has arrived at her destination! Commander, please decide on the next training menu!
Secretary 我曾经是专业运动员的陪练,看着他们努力训练然后参加运动会取得成绩。以前的我好羡慕那些运动员……不过现在的我很满足哦,因为有指挥官指导我训练啊! スポーツ精習の練習パートナーをやてたから、みんなが大会で威勢せきを残すたびに、羨ましいなぁと思ってた。でも、K3は今、とっても満足してるよ!だって、指揮官がトレーニングに付き合ってくれるんだもん!Play I used to be a sports training partner for professional athletes, but I always felt a little jealous of them every time they would leave to go participate in an event. But K3 is very happy now! Because, now I have a Commander who is there to train me!
诶!指挥官,你怎么突然来了!我背后……没有藏什么东西啊……才没有什么打碎的花瓶,折断的扫把呢!没有的! ひー!し、指揮官?!きゅ、急にどうしたの?あ、後ろ?べ、別になにも隠してないよ!割れた花瓶とかへし折りたとか…全然ないからね!Play Eek! C-Commander?! What are you doing here? Huh, behind me? I-I'm not hiding anything! Not a broken vase or anything like that...absolutely nothing at all!
对于运动员来说,坚持是一件很重要的事情。我相信对指挥官来说,坚持也一定很重要!所以……请您坚持一下继续任命我做副官哦,我会继续努力的! スポーツ練習にとって一番大事なのは、続けることなの!指揮官にとっても、きっと大事なことだと思う。だから、続けて、K3を副官に任命してください!私、頑張りますから!Play The most important thing about sports practice is to keep going! I think it's just as important to the Commander as well. So, please continue to appoint K3 as your secretary! I'll do my best!
Secretary (post OATH)
Can you entrust today's training menu to me? I don't think of giving me some weird training idea, don't worry! Training together with you like this, is the kind of training that I love the most.
Huh? Is this a reward for K3? Really? I thought that earning a medal in a tournament and the Commander's recognition was just a fleeting dream...but I guess that wasn't the case for today... I can finally have what I've wanted after so long... This pride that you have given me will always be in my heart! Even if...the data of my mental model gets deleted one day, I will never forget today!
Greeting おはよう~!モーニングウォームアップはもう終わっってるよ。今日もトレーニングと行きましょう!Play Good morning~! Morning warm-ups are now done. Time to get out for some training!
T-Doll Produced 同じ運動好きな子がいいな!Play I like girls who like the same exercise!
Joining an echelon K3に負かせて本当にいいの?絶対、指揮官をがっかりさせないから!Play Is it really okay to leave it to K3? I will never disappoint you, Commander!
Enhancement 力が漲るわ!20キロ一揆を走る気がする!Play I'm full of power! I feel like running a 20km riot!
Dummy-linking 指揮官、考えがあるの!K3だけで、バスケのチームを組むはどう?Play Commander, I have an idea! How about building a basketball team of just K3 alone?
Logistics (start) 今日は後方支援トレーニングなの?オーケー!完璧にこなして見せる!Play Today is logistics training? Okay! Let me show you how it's done perfectly!
Logistics (end) ただいま!え、早かった?まぁねぇ。こんなの朝飯前だからね。Play I'm home! Huh, I'm early? Oh well, must've been from breakfast.
Autobattle 今日のトレーニングは指揮官がいないんだ…。まぁそれでも、手を抜かずに、頑張りますよ!Play The Commander isn't here for the training session today...well, I'll try to do my best without stopping!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 愛しきグラウンド、今行きます!Play Beloved ground, here I come!
Starting a battle K3の力を思い知れ!Play Remember the power of K3!
Skill activation ウォーミングアップ開始!Play Time to start warming up!
面白いわ!そろそろ本気出すちゃうよ!Play Interesting! Things are about to get serious!
このグラウンドを制するのは、K3だ!Play And the winner of this ground, is K3!
Heavily damaged あ…ああ…限界かも…ちょっと休ませて…Play Hah...Haaah...I might be hitting my limit...let me rest a little...
Retreat 諦めてないから!体制を整えて、また勝利を取りに来るから!Play I haven't given up! Next time, we will be victorious!
MVP 言ったでしょう、この勝利はK3のもの!Play Like I said, this victory belongs to K3!
Restoration 平気!すぐまた、トレーニングに復帰出来るから!Play I'm fine! I'll be able to return to training soon!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指揮官助けて!さっき、白い幽霊がいきなり現れて、びっくりしたから、つい手がでてしまって…それで幽霊さ、まだ先の所で倒れたままなんだけど…ぐうう…K3…また遣らかしたのかな…Play Commander, please help! Earlier, a white ghost suddenly appeared, and I was surprised so my hand flew out...that ghost is still lying down over there...kuuu...K3...you went and did it again...
Christmas 指揮官、メリークリスマス!今日くらいは、一緒にトレーニングしなくてもいいよ。その代わり、散歩でも行かない?Play Commander, Merry Christmas! We don't have to train together today. Instead, why not go for a walk?
New Year's Day ハッピーニューイエア!新年初日なんだから、やっぱり違うトレーニングメニュにしなきゃね。ってことで、一緒にマラソンをしまそう!ぱちぱち!


Happy New Year! It's the first day of the new year, and I have to make a new training regimen. So, let's go run a marathon!
Valentine's day 今日はバレンタインデイなのに、なんでみんなお互いチョコを送りあってるの?お互いオフ取らせるするつもり?


It's Valentine's Day, but why is everyone sending chocolate to each other?
Tanabata さっきね、64式が彦星と織姫の言い伝えを教えてくれたの!素敵なラブストリー!でもね、もしK3が織姫だったら、もう絶対、一生懸命…指揮官の元に、ノンストップ走って行くから!


Recently, (Howa) Type 64 taught me about the legend of Altair and Vega! What a beautiful love story! But, if K3 was Vega, I'll definitely work hard, since I'm going non-stop with the Commander!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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