EVO 3/Quotes

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EVO 3 Quotes

Base Voice Lines edit

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您好,尊敬的指挥官。我是蝎式EVO3,从今天起正式入职,还望您多多关照。 どうも~指揮官さん。私はスコーピオンEVO3、今日から正式に入隊するわよ、よろしくね!Play Hello, Commander~ Scorpion EVO 3, officially part of the team as of today. Please look after me~
Introduction 蝎式EVO3的原形是M-6和LG205冲锋枪,后来因为难以销售而被转让,经过多次修改后被正式命名为现在的名字。所以在血统上讲,我与VZ61没有任何关系,但是我得以重生正是由于这个名字。这个机会,我一直都好好珍惜着……
Secretary 作战方案还需要修改吗?我要拿去执行了哦。 作戦プランはもう修正しないの?このまま執行して大丈夫?Play Are you still modifying the battle plan? I'm going to need it to carry out the mission.
抱歉,打扰到您了?我这就让VZ61安静下来。 お騒がせしてすみません!vz.61ちゃん、静かにして!Play Apologies, did I bother you? I'll get vz. 61 to quiet down immediately.
指挥官,最近有什么压力,可以说说看,突然这样的接触……或许不太好吧? 指揮官、最近ストレス溜まってるの?吐き出したほうがいいわよ。こうやっていきなり接触してくるなんて良くないかもよ?Play Commander, any stress that you have can be let out through words. Suddenly touching me like this...isn't a very good idea.
Secretary (post OATH)
Have you rested well, Commander? Why don't you enjoy it a bit longer since you rarely get the chance to have a break? I'll take care of the things here for you.
Oh? Commander, is this for me? This is a little unexpected... I thought that based on my performance, I would've had no chance. No, I'm very happy. This is the biggest honor of my life. Let me tell vz. 61 right now. She will also definitely be very happy.
Greeting 天気がいいから散歩……じゃなくてトレーニングしましょう!Play Taking a walk because the weather's nice...let's go train instead!
T-Doll Produced 新しい隊員準備完了、可愛い子かなぁ。Play A new member has arrived, I wonder if she's cute?
Joining an echelon HI~!って、vz. 61ちゃんは?Play HI~! Wait, what's this about vz. 61?
Enhancement いいよいいよ!そんな感じ!Play Very good! Just like that!
Dummy-linking 優遇されたね!んふふ、ありがと。Play Now this is preferential! Ufufu, thanks!
Logistics (start) いいよ、これ好き。Play Nice, I'm gonna love this.
Logistics (end) 遠征完了、順調だね!Play Expedition complete, all is well!
Autobattle 任せて、大丈夫だよ!Play Leave it to me, everything's gonna be alright!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission よし!張り切って行こう!Play Alright! Let's go all out!
Starting a battle 慎重に行こう!Play Proceed with caution!
Skill activation 気を付けてね!Play Careful now!
いいチャンス!Play Good chance!
倒れなさい!Play Fall down!
Heavily damaged 信じらんない……この私がここまでとは……Play I can't believe...that this is happening to me...
Retreat ここで意地を張るより、撤退したほうが賢明かも。Play Rather than doing something foolish, wouldn't it make sense to withdraw now?
MVP 一本とったわよ!vz. 61ちゃん!Play That's one for me, vz. 61!
Restoration 慣れたらうまくいくかも……Play This will take some getting used to...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今夜vz.61ちゃんがどこから攻撃かも知れないけど。安心して貴方のキャンディは私が守るわよ。Play That might be where vz. 61 will be attacking from tonight. Rest easy, I'll be sure to protect your candy.
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官。はい、私からのプレゼント。メガネを掛けた指揮官は絶対かっこいいわよ。Play Merry Christmas, Commander! Here, a present from me. You look absolutely cool with those new glasses on!
New Year's Day 新年早々風邪ひちゃ駄目だよ指揮官。


You mustn't catch a cold early in the New Year, Commander.
Valentine's day 指揮官これは試行錯誤結構出来たチョコだよ。良ければ受け取ってね。あ…ありがとう。


Commander, this is a chocolate that has been made through trial and error. Please accept it, if you like. O-oh, thanks.
Tanabata Vz.61ちゃんが花火いっぱいもらったは。夜になったら一緒に遊ぼうね。


vz. 61 brought a lot of fireworks. Let's all go play together this evening!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice Lines edit

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您好,尊敬的指挥官。我是蝎式EVO3,从今天起正式入职,还望您多多关照。 どうも~指揮官さん。私はスコーピオンEVO3、今日から正式に入隊するわよ、よろしくね!Play Hello, Commander~ Scorpion EVO 3, officially part of the team as of today. Please look after me~
Introduction 蝎式EVO3的原形是M-6和LG205冲锋枪,后来因为难以销售而被转让,经过多次修改后被正式命名为现在的名字。所以在血统上讲,我与VZ61没有任何关系,但是我得以重生正是由于这个名字。这个机会,我一直都好好珍惜着……
Secretary 指挥官,我已经帮您修改过作战方案了!哇,别、别拿橡皮擦掉呀,这些可不是涂鸦! Play
唔,指挥官请您让VZ61安静一点。人家现在需要充足的睡眠,不然就长不大了。 Play
放心吧,就算是变得小小的,我还是那个成熟稳重的我。嗯?有糖果吃?在哪在哪? Play
Secretary (post OATH)
Greeting 天気がいいから散歩……じゃなくてトレーニングしましょう!Play Taking a walk because the weather's nice...let's go train instead!
T-Doll Produced 新しい隊員準備完了、可愛い子かなぁ。Play A new member has arrived, I wonder if she's cute?
Joining an echelon HI~!って、vz. 61ちゃんは?Play HI~! Wait, what's this about vz. 61?
Enhancement いいよいいよ!そんな感じ!Play Very good! Just like that!
Dummy-linking 優遇されたね!んふふ、ありがと。Play Now this is preferential! Ufufu, thanks!
Logistics (start) いいよ、これ好き。Play Nice, I'm gonna love this.
Logistics (end) 遠征完了、順調だね!Play Expedition complete, all is well!
Autobattle 任せて、大丈夫だよ!Play Leave it to me, everything's gonna be alright!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission よし!張り切って行こう!Play Alright! Let's go all out!
Starting a battle 慎重に行こう!Play Proceed with caution!
Skill activation 気を付けてね!Play Careful now!
いいチャンス!Play Good chance!
倒れなさい!Play Fall down!
Heavily damaged 信じらんない……この私がここまでとは……Play I can't believe...that this is happening to me...
Retreat ここで意地を張るより、撤退したほうが賢明かも。Play Rather than doing something foolish, wouldn't it make sense to withdraw now?
MVP 一本とったわよ!vz. 61ちゃん!Play That's one for me, vz. 61!
Restoration 慣れたらうまくいくかも……Play This will take some getting used to...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play