Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 你就是指挥官吗?HK416……请记住这个名字吧,这个……与众不同的名字。 | HK416、ちゃんと覚えてくださいね、指揮官。 | 416...Please remember this name, Commander. | |
Introduction | HK416,展出的时候有着HKM4这个名字,然后被剥夺了。……为什么偏偏瞄准了我呢?(冷笑)原因可想而知呢。后来的我,靠着全新的名字和大量改进,在那个时代广受瞩目。指挥官,我会让你忘掉那些人的,只要我……只要我就够了。 | HK416, originally my name was HKM4 when first unveiled, then it was taken away... Why? (Heh) I'll leave that to your imagination. After that, I gained a new name and underwent severe modifications, which caused a lot of controversy during that time. Commander, I will make you forget about all of those people-- Only me, all you need is me. | ||
Secretary | 指挥官,有我在就足够了。 | 指揮官、わたしがいれば十分ですよ。 | Commander, I am all you need. | |
HKM4?......现在的我,已经不需要那种名字了。 | HKM4?…今のわたしに、そんな名前は必要ない。 | HKM4? I have no need for such a name anymore! | ||
那就请好好检查吧,指挥官。就算是细节的问题,也请不要忽略掉! | メンテは丁寧に。どんな些細な問題も許さない。 | Be careful with the inspection. Don't let any problem pass, no matter how trivial. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,这段时间过得怎么样?不开心的话,我会不择手段让你笑出来……您有更好的提议吗?是什么呢?
How have you been doing these days, Commander? If you're feeling down, I'll make you smile by any means necessary... You got a better idea? Let's hear it.
| ||
OATH | 看到了吗,是我赢了,无论是战绩还是指挥官……那么指挥官,我会为您布置好一切的,包括她们能给您的……和不能给您的。
Be it your or achievements in combat, everything is mine. You don't have to raise a finger, Commander. I'll settle everything for you.
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Greeting | 早上好。今天的我,也不会输给任何人的。 | おはよう。今日は誰にも負けません。 | Good morning, Commander. I won't lose to anyone today. | |
T-Doll Produced | 新的武器制造完毕,没有差错。 | 製造完了、間違いありません。 | Construction's complete, without flaws. | |
Joining an echelon | HK416,加入行动。 | HK416、作戦行動に入ります。 | HK416, joining the operation. | |
Enhancement | 一步一步的改进……直到彻底超越她们。 | 改造を重ねて…いつか奴らを超えてみせる… | I'll keep on modifying...until I surpass them... | |
Dummy-linking | 增员吗?我的价值,终于被认可了。 | 増員?わたしの価値をようやく認めてくれたってことかな? | Reinforcement? My value has finally been recognized. | |
Logistics (start) | 情报确认完毕,出发。 | 情報確認、出発します。 | Intel confirmed, moving out. | |
Logistics (end) | 行动结束。 | 行動終了。 | Operation complete. | |
Autobattle | 这才是精准无误的行动。 | これこそ完全無欠の行動ね。 | This is the correct choice of action. | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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