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PKP Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 让我来告诉你一件好事吧,长官……你已经得到胜利的王牌了。 一つ良いことを教えてあげよう。指揮官、あなたはすでに私という勝利の切り札を手に入れた。Play Let me tell you some good news, officer... you have obtained the trump card of victory.
Introduction 我是由PKM改进过来的PKP通用机枪,与以往枪管散热相比更优秀,被GRAU赋予了6P41的装备代号,虽然有很多人怀疑我的实力……不过在我眼里,那些只不过是弱者的哀嚎罢了。
Secretary 作战计划只要有了我的名字,就是完美的。 私が加われば、勝利は確実だ。Play As long as a battle plan has my name on it, it is perfect.
PK?只靠这种不干不脆的善意……是无法赶上我的。 PK?そんな生半可な覚悟じゃ、私には追いつけない。Play PK? You won't catch up to me with this sort of insincere goodwill.
告诉你一个坏消息吧……你的诊断报告马上就要完成了。 またこのようなセクハラをしたら、次は病院送りにする。Play Let me tell you some bad news... your diagnostic report is about to be completed.
Secretary (post OATH)
Tsk, this job's a little troublesome... hey, let's get it done this time too, alright?
I have never thought that relying on others is something that would have any meaning. But as long as I stand before you, the words "I can't do it" become less intimidating. Have I become stronger, or become weaker... officer, why don't you tell me the answer?
Greeting 来るのが遅い!Play You're late!
T-Doll Produced また使えないやつが来たか?Play Is it another useless girl?
Joining an echelon 私一人で十分だ。Play I'm alone is enough.
Enhancement なれる…!もっと強くなれる!Play Stronger! I'll get even stronger!
Dummy-linking そんなに勝ちたいか…?ふんっ。Play You want to win that bad? Hmph.
Logistics (start) 等一会,我马上回来。 待ってろ、すぐ戻ってくる。Play Just wait, this will be quick.
Logistics (end) 这样满意了吗? これで満足か?Play Satisfied?
Autobattle 任せろ。Play Leave it to me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 扯我后腿的人就跟敌人一起消失吧! 私の足を引っ張るやつは、敵と一緒に消えてしまえ!Play Anyone who weigh me down can just disappear alongside the enemy!
Starting a battle はっ、雑魚か。Play Hah, small fry.
Skill activation 目障りなやつは消えろ!Play An eyesore can just disappear!
私に出会ったことを後悔すればいい。Play You can regret that now you've meet me.
手加減しないぞ。Play I won't go easy on you.
Heavily damaged 私をここまで追い詰めるとは…。Play I can only follow up this far...
Retreat 負け、だと?ありえない……Play I've... lost? Impossible...
MVP ただ戦いに勝っただけ、当然のことだ。Play It's only natural for me to win this battle.
Restoration ふん!笑いたければ笑え!次こそは必ず……!Play Hmph! Go ahead if you want to laugh! Next time will definitely...!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween アイツらの下らない騒ぎに付き合う積もりはない。きゃ…キャンディがあるだと?ほ…本当なのか?Play I have no intention to keep up with those girls trivial activity. T-there's candy? I-Is it true?
Christmas 一つ良いことを教えてあげよう。指揮官へのクリスマスプレゼントはもう用意しておいたぞ。Play I'll tell you a good news. I've prepared a christmas present for you.
New Year's Day 明けおめだとう?それはサボる言い訳にはならない。さっさと仕事しろ!


Happy New Year? That's just an excuse to skip work. Go move your ass right now!
Valentine's day 私がチョコレート作るのはそんなに以外か?どうやら一つ勘違いをしているようだ。私は何やっても完璧なのだ。


Do you find it unusual for me to make a chocolate? Looks like you got it wrong there. I'm a perfect being after all.
Tanabata そんなもので願いを叶えようとしているのか?フン、人間とはそういう安っぽい生き物なんだな。


Will this really make your wish come true? Hmph, human is such a cheap creature.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
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