
Revision as of 12:25, 25 August 2018 by Veguaniel (talk | contribs)
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August 1st edit

Daily Discount Package edit

Promotion slide

August 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ August 31st 23:59 GMT+8

Package content:

 x135,  x150,  x1

One purchase available per day

Package cost: 118  

August 16th edit

Continuum Turbulence edit

Promotion Banner
Reward Banner

August 16th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ September 14th 10:00 GMT+8

The long waited summer event is finally here!

Didi Taxi Discount Codes edit

Promotion slide

August 16th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ August 30th 23:59 GMT+8

If you cannot read the Chinese on the interface after you clicked open that promotion slide, it is probably of no use to you. If you are still interested in what it does...

Girls Frontline CN servers are collaborating with DiDi Taxi, the company that bought out all of Uber's market share and operating rights within mainland China. Clicking on the promotional slide in game and prompt up an UI, scroll down and two boxes will appear, one can acquire DiDi Taxi discount codes via the game client.

August 17th edit

Qixi Festival Discount Bundle edit

Promotion slide

August 17th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ August 23th 23:59 GMT+8

Package content:


Five purchase available per player

Package cost: 998  

August 18th edit

Beach Operation edit

Promotion Slide

August 18th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ September 7th 23:59:59 GMT+8

Limited time quest event "Beach Operation" made it just in time for the summer heatwaves! Complete event missions to accumulate points and earn nice rewards! For three weeks, at the start of every Saturday at 00:00 a new set of quests will be available. The activated quests will be available for completion anytime as long as it's within the event time period.

Accumulating points will reward the following items:

Points Reward
100   x1000,   x1000
200   x20,   x5
500   x5,   x200
800   x5,   x100,   x200
1200   x20,   x1,   x10
1800 Costume MG AmeliAmeliAmeli - 'Ameli Catch!', Icecream Cone x10
2000   x100,   x200, Hyper Conductive Simulation Energy x10
2400   x200,   x50,   x10, Challenger Medallion x1
3000 Challenger Medallion x1

Event Missions edit

Event missions and point rewards are listed below:

Mission Week 1 Reward Points
Accumulate 1 Day Login 10
Accumulate 2 Day Login 20
Accumulate 3 Day Login 20
Accumulate 5 Day Login 30
Accumulate 8 Day Login 30
Accumulate 10 Day Login 50
Accumulate 12 Day Login 100
Receive 10 commendations 20
Receive 30 commendations 30
Receive 50 commendations 50
Receive 100 commendations 100
Accumulate consumption of 10 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 20
Accumulate consumption of 20 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 30
Accumulate consumption of 50 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 50
Accumulate consumption of 100 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 100
Accumulate Crafting of 4 Star T-Doll x 1 20
Accumulate Crafting of 4 Star T-Doll x 5 30
Accumulate Crafting of 5 Star T-Doll x 1 50
Accumulate Crafting of 5 Star T-Doll x 5 100
Complete and win any battle 10 times (except auto battles) 20
Complete and win any battle 20 times 30
Complete and win any battle 50 times 50
Complete and win any battle 100 times 100
Rescue 10 T-Dolls from battle (except auto battles) 20
Rescue 20 T-Dolls from battle 30
Rescue 50 T-Dolls from battle 50
Rescue 100 T-Dolls from battle 100
Mission Week 2 Reward Points
Repair T-Dolls 10 times 10
Repair T-Dolls 20 times 20
Repair T-Dolls 30 times 50
Use 10 simulation energies (Including extra simulation energy) 20
Use 20 simulation energies 30
Use 50 simulation energies 30
Use 100 simulation energies 100
Use 30 Combat Simulation Energy 30
Give away 10 gifts 10
Give away 20 gifts 20
Give away 50 gifts 30
Give away 100 gifts 50
Complete 200 hours of logistics 20
Complete 500 hours of logistics 50
Complete 800 hours of logistics 100
Spent 1000 Beginner data 30
Spent 500 Intermediate data 50
Spent 300 Advanced data 100
Spend 100 procurement tokens 20
Spend 200 procurement tokens 30
Spend 500 procurement tokens 150
Spend 1000 procurement tokens 200

August 23rd edit

Girls and the Sea Revisit edit

Promotional banner

August 23rd 00:00 GMT+8 ~ September 6th 10:00:00 GMT+8

2017 summer procurement pool 'Girls and the Sea' contents added to 'Radiant Collection'. Furniture procurement rates are increased, all costumes received will have 50% chance being the costumes from 'Girls and the Sea'.

August 25th edit

Procurement Pool Beach Soldiers edit

Procurement banner

August 25rd 00:00 GMT+8 ~ September 6th 10:00:00 GMT+8

'Beach Soldiers' pool will have the following contents:

Beach Costume Bundles edit

Promotional banner

August 25rd 00:00 GMT+8 ~ September 5th 00:00:00 GMT+8

Following costumes are available as part of bundles, list of costumes, package contents and package pricing as following:

  • AR FALFALFAL - FAL's Summer, Procurement Token x50, priced at 1699 Gems
  • SMG MP7MP7MP7 - Candy Ammunition, Procurement Token x100, OATH certificate, priced at 2599 Gems
  • AR AN-94AN-94AN-94 - Doll and Diving Watch, Procurement Token x100, Priced at 1999 Gems
  • AR G36G36G36 - Fifty Days with G36, priced at 1499 Gems