Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | M950A。指挥官,现在答应你,今后就要永远服从你了,是吗? | M950A。指揮官、今日からあなたに従います。 | M950A. Commander, from now on I'll follow your orders. | |
Introduction | 是的,我就是M950A,虽然只是我们整个枪族中的一员,不过多少记一下吧。采用螺旋式供弹的弹匣,大概就是我们一族最特别的地方了。因为火力不错,在民间推广时反而遇到麻烦呢……人类啊,真是群患得患失的家伙。 | Yes, I'm M950A, I might just be a member of a big franchise but at least put some effort in remembering me. The proprietary helical magazine is probably our signature aspect. But since the firepower is quite significant, caused a bit of problem while selling it in the civilian market... Aww humans, just can't be pleased easily. | ||
Secretary | 什么事,指挥官?闲聊的话我会计时的。 | ムダ話は聞きたくない。 | What is it? I have no interest in meaningless chitchat. | |
已经想好了吗,那就交给我好了。 | 仕事の最中なんだから、少しだけよ。 | I'm still busy, so I can only spare you a minute... only one minute, okay? | ||
不想浪费时间就拿出行动来吧,我会听你说的。 | 仕事がないならほかの子にあたってくれない? | Go bother someone else if you don't have work to do. But, don't leave me for too long... | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 别想偷懒哦,指挥官,我的眼睛可是一刻都不会离开你的……怎、怎么了,我说什么奇怪的话了吗!
Don't slack off ok Commander, I got my eyes on you all the time... Wh...What? Did I say something strange!?
| ||
OATH | 哼,结果到最后,还是找上我了啊。已经不记得是哪次的表现吸引了你,不过事到如今也无所谓了吧……来,再靠近一点,你现在……就是我的了……
Hmm, in the end it was me? Since when... it doesn't matter now... It's alright, come closer... and now... you're mine...
| |
Greeting | 那么,想好今天要做什么?……反正我是无所谓。 | 今日は何がしたい?あたしはどうでもいいけど。 | What do you want to do today? I'm fine with anything though. | |
T-Doll Produced | 新人来了吗?那就不需要我了吧。 | 新人か。じゃあたしはいらないのか? | New girl huh. Then I'm not needed? | |
Joining an echelon | 要我来吗?……好吧,不客气。 | あたしが?…じゃ遠慮なく… | Me? ... I won't holding back then... | |
Enhancement | 谢啦,难得想到我呢。 | 私に・・・?あ、ありがとう。 | For me...? T-thank you. | |
Dummy-linking | 哦?我还以为你会讨厌我呢,看起来也不坏啊。 | 嫌いかと思った、案外いい人じゃん。 | I thought she'll hate me, she's unexpectedly nice. | |
Logistics (start) | 好好,反正留在这里也没什么用吧。 | いいよ、ここにいてもしょうがないじゃん。 | Alright, nothing to do staying here anyway. | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来了……我不在的时候没问题吗? | ただいま…あたしがいない間大丈夫だった? | I'm back... Anything problems while I was away? | |
Autobattle | 我也来帮下忙吧,反正也没别的事可做。 | 手伝ってやるよ、ほかにやることないし。 | I'll help you out, since I got nothing to do. |