Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | M4 SOPMOD II,指挥官,终于.....终于.....找到您了啊! | M4 SOPMOD-II、指揮官、やっと会えましたね! | M4 SOPMOD II, finally... Finally... I've found you commander ! | |
Introduction | SOPMOD-II M4,是以M4A1为基准,搭载了SOPMOD BLOCK 2模块化战术附件的突击步枪。\nSOPMOD计划是之前便被正式提出的,而我已经是第二代了。只要是您想要的战术附件,就统统挂到我身上吧! | SOPMOD-II M4, based on the M4A1, and equipped with SOPMOD BLOCK 2 tactical assault rifle accessories. The SOPMOD plan was established before, and I am the second generation. Any tactical accessory you want, it can all be linked on me! | ||
Secretary | 指挥官,这次要玩什么啊? | 指揮官、今日は何で遊びますか? | Commander, what are we gonna play this time? | |
什么什么!指挥官,让我也看看呀! | なになに?わたしにも見せてよ! | What is it? Let me take a look too! | ||
虽然您做什么都可以啦,不过碰到什么地方,会把我变成不好的样子……也难说哦。 | 何をしてもいいけど…変なとこ触ったら、スイッチ入っちゃうかもしれないよ…。 | You can do anything you like, but if you touch me in weird places, I might just flip a switch or something... | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,我的新工艺品怎么样?无论收集还是制作都很辛苦呢,不过我们都是乐在其中啊,嘿嘿……
Commander, how do you like my handiwork? Both collecting and producing these is very hard, but we do it for fun, hehe...
| ||
OATH | 嘻嘻嘻嘻……我可是等了很久呢,现在您不得不承认,我们是一路的货色了吧?请再抱紧我一点吧,连同我的一切,再抱紧一点……
Hehehehe...I've waited a long time, and you have to admit, we've been through so much together, right? Please hold me a little more, together with my all, closer than ever before...
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Greeting | 呜啊——指挥官你来啦!快点快点,开始新一轮作战吧! | うわぁ--指揮官はやくはやく!新しい作戦ですよ! | Woaaa——Commander you're here! Hurry hurry, let's start a new battle! | |
T-Doll Produced | 哈哈哈,新的伙伴哦,来握个手吧。 | ははは、新しい仲間!はい、握手~。 | Hahaha, new comrade, come shake hands~. | |
Joining an echelon | 嘻嘻嘻……开始吧……快开始吧!快开始啊啊啊——! | えへへ…はじめよう、早く始めようよ! | Hehehe... Let's start, let's hurry up and start already! | |
Enhancement | 超 进 化!圣——诞——树——! | ちょう~しん~か!クリスマスツリー! | HYPER EVOLVE! CHRIST—MAS—TREE!!!! | |
Dummy-linking | 讨厌啦指挥官,这样下去,不是会结束得更快嘛! | やだよ指揮官、これじゃすぐ終わちゃうよ! | Nooo Commander, if you do this I might end them faster than I want to! | |
Logistics (start) | 我出发了哦,指挥官,多想想我吧。 | 行きますよ、指揮官。 | I'm off now Commander. (CN: ——, please keep me on your mind.) | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来啦,指挥官,来抱抱我吧! | 帰ったよ、抱っこして~指揮官~。 | I'm back Commander, Hug me please~! | |
Autobattle | 姐姐们,我来了哦! | お姉ちゃん達、来ましたよ! | Sisters, I've arrived! |