Full name Tony
Index 1081
Rarity 3
Class Warrior
Affinity ?
Affiliation/Company Universal Anything Services
Vocation ?
Birthday ?
Voice actor -TBA-
Artist Unknown
Released on CN (托尼) (2024-2)
Arma Inscripta No

Playable character in Project: Neural Cloud. Welfare unit of event Scars Among Pigeons and Daisies.

Availability edit

This unit is a welfare unit. It must be unlocked by acquiring Neural Fragments in its related event.

Stats / Data edit

Initial stats scaling edit

Type Rating
Attack Growth
Hashrate Growth
HP Growth
Physical DEF Growth
Operand DEF Growth

Stats (for CN server) edit

How to use
Max HP Crit Rate
Attack Crit Damage
Hashrate Physical Penetration
Physical Defense Operand Penetration
Operand Defense Dodge Rate
Attack Speed Post-battle HP Regen

Skills edit

Algorithm Slots edit

White tiles are unlocked by default. Blue tiles are unlocked by upgrading the Doll. Black tiles cannot be used.

  Offense   Stability   Special

Preferred and Disliked Gifts edit

How to use edit

Background info edit

The UC-HS is a service Doll model developed by Universal Anything Services and Cyber Media for the beauty and hairdressing industry. It appeals to markets with low prices and maintenance costs. Compared to other general-purpose Dolls, the wrists of UC-HS are designed for more complex operations. Because this industry also requires its employees to fit the unique ambiance of their salon, there are many third parties specialized in customizing these Dolls. Tony is a UC-HS who works for the "Hands of Beauty" barber shop. Compared to prestigious Dolls in other industries, Tony's resume is quite ordinary, but he was still well-received for his looks and performance. Things changed after Hands of Beauty was closed due to the outbreak of an armed conflict, and Tony changed hands until he was assigned to Project Neural Cloud.[1]

Gallery edit

Main artworks

Alternative artwork

Alternate expressions

Trivia edit

  • Like all male welfare units except YuwangYuwang , Tony lacks an animated cut-in for his ultimate skill.

References edit