Full name Thrower
Affiliation Sanctifier
Class Sniper
Artist Unknown
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Thrower is a Lesser Sanctifier enemy in Project Neural Cloud.

Stats / Data edit

Thrower is classified as Ranged, AoE, Physical DMG.

  • Meteoric Shell - Normal Attacks deal Physical Damage equal to 70% ATK to the target and nearby enemies within 1 tile.
  • ATK Boost - ATK+10%

Thrower - Evolved has the following skills:

  • Meteoric Shell - Normal Attacks deal Physical Damage equal to 70% ATK to the target and nearby enemies within 1 tile.
  • Flaming Retribution (8s) - Increases ATK by 10%. Normal Attacks will fire incendiary bombs that inflict [Burn] to the target for 3 seconds upon hitting. [Burn] deals Derivative Physical Damage (affected by Physical and Operand Defense, does not trigger Backlash, Life Steal and other damage-related effects nor damage conditions for Functions and Skills) equal to 10% ATK per second, up to 3 stacks.

Appearances edit

Throwers are a common sight in every Sanctifier-centric stage.


References edit