Larger than a regular Thoad, and with far greater muscle rigidity. After becoming immobile, it can only flop about in place. Its inflexible body thrashes upon the rocks, making a thumping sound.
Possible Weaknesses
Stability Index
Stability damage reduction
Critical values
0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points
No skills defined
Battle Traits
No traits
Thoad - FRZ Type II
Larger than a regular Thoad, and with far greater muscle rigidity. After becoming immobile, it can only flop about in place. Its inflexible body thrashes upon the rocks, making a thumping sound.
Possible Weaknesses
Stability Index
Stability damage reduction
Critical values
0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points
No skills defined
Battle Traits
No traits
Thoad - COR Type I
Larger than a regular Thoad, and with far greater muscle rigidity. After becoming immobile, it can only flop about in place. Its inflexible body thrashes upon the rocks, making a thumping sound.
Also known as: Thoad - COR I. First appears in Campaign Stage 2-4.
Possible Weaknesses
Stability Index
Stability damage reduction
Critical values
0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points
Spit I
No attribute
Basic Attack / Targeted
Range: 8
Area of Effect: Target
Selects 1 enemy target within 3 to 8 tiles and deals physical damage equal to 110% of attack to them.
Venom Spray I
No attribute
Active / AoE / Debuff
Range: 8
Area of Effect: 3x3
Selects 1 target within 3 to 8 tiles, dealing AoE Corrosion damage equal to 80% of attack to the target and all targets within a 3x3 area.