Story/Operation Cube/E1-3 (Part2)/Script

[Squad 404 is engaging in heavy firefight with Executioner near the location of the jammer.]

Executioner: You’re here...the rumored Squad 404, you’re finally here!
I want you to tremble and fear before I cut you apart!
I will deal unto your corpses the shame and humiliation that I received from M4A1!

HK416: That name again!
Gr G11, can you shut her mouth up for good?!

I wanna...I wanna go home...

UMP9: Gr G11 is scared witless! 416, bring her farther away!

HK416: I can’t, we’ll be out of range.
If we keep this up, Gr G11’s neural cloud will...

UMP45: Let’s withdraw for now. We’ll deal with her like we did with Hunter, by exhausting her of her supplies!

HK416: Roger! Gr G11, we’re throwing our smoke grenades!

G11: Uuu... Thr-thr-throw...
Is it time to throw out the trash, master...?

UMP9: Throw her grenade for her, hurry!


Executioner: Hmph, you bunch of cowards, I already know what you plan to do.
Struggle all you want, but you’ll soon realize that...
Ouroboros has already planned everything out...including your death.