Story/Normal 3-1 (Part2)/Script

[Combat over. In an unmonitored corner at Griffin Control...]

M4A1:AR... This is M4A1. Please respond if anyone copies.

M16A1: Nice timing, M4. You wouldn't reach me if you were late by a minute.

M4A1: M16! What happened?

M16A1: A few Sangvis units are very close by. I'll have to turn off the comm soon.

M4:Then long story short, I got away and am currently working under a commander.
Our troops are stationed near the frontline. We can provide backup for you whenever you need it.
M16, how is the AR team doing?

M16A1: We got separated when I was bringing up the rear. But they were safe the last time we got in touch.

M16A1: Leave me for now, M4A1. Find AR-15 and SOP-II first.

M4A1: No problem, M16. But be careful yourself.

M16A1: Sorry, they're coming. We'll talk next time.
Don't worry. We'll meet again.