Story/Night 8-1 (Part2)/Script

[Combat concluded. Griffin forces storm the Sangvis outpost.]

IWS 2000: Clear. Squad Welrod, we’ll hold our positions and cover you.

Welrod: Victory shall accompany those who trust in it. We’ll leave it to you, then.

IWS 2000: Phew... Hopefully everything will go well.

Glock 17: You look relaxed for the first time tonight, Leader.

IWS 2000: Oh? How did I look like before?

AUG: Distaste has encompassed your entire face.

IWS 2000: I wasn’t aware...
Hmm... I hope Fräulein Welrod and her team didn’t notice that...

AUG: Are you not satisfied with the Commander’s arrangements to have us work with Squad Welrod?

IWS 2000: The only thing I’m dissatisfied with own inexperience.

AUG: Your self-reflection lifts my spirits.
Seeing as how things turned out in our most recent mission, that is definitely a good takeaway from it.

IWS 2000: With Squad Welrod with us this time...perhaps I don’t have to be too worried.
It just bothers me so much that we suffered a bitter defeat at the end of the line because of my foolish mistake.

AUG: ...
Being bothered by that is fine. However, you’re trying too hard to do everything perfectly. Your relentless pursuit for that ideal is only going to drown you.

Glock 17: Everyone seemed pretty at ease on the helicopter. You were the only one on edge.

SSG 69: Heheh... We can totally steal the show if we just make an effort.

IWS 2000: That’s not the point. We have absolutely no room for failure this time...

Glock 17: But isn’t it odd for a PMC to be put in charge of dealing with something as serious as Yellowcake?
What about the Military?

IWS 2000: According to the top brass, “It serves no purpose to involve the Military without presenting actual evidence.”
After all, it’s only our conjecture that Sangvis Ferri are in possession of Yellowcake.

Glock 17: Isn’t the footage of their container enough evidence?

IWS 2000: They said that could be anything...
In any case, we can’t simply sit here and wait for a crisis to happen.

Glock 17: Sigh. Those up there won’t ever understand the kind of crap we have to go through...

AUG: The world’s grim enough as is.

SSG 69: Hmph... Who cares. This is the perfect opportunity for us T-Dolls to shine!
Radiation, poison gas, Collapse Fluid - we can brave them all and remain steadfast. We were made for this, don’t you think?

Glock 17: Just how much do you want to kill your audience...?

AUG: May I have a word in private, SSG.

SSG 69: Huh? Hold on. I was just kidding... As if I’d actually gas myself and walk on stage...

IWS 2000: Where are you going?

AUG: I’ll make good use of the additional authorization you’ve given me.

SSG, this outpost isn’t far from where you were destroyed last time.

SSG 69: Eh? So we chased after the convoy all the way here...?
No, wait...this hardly counts as “not far”!

AUG: That doesn’t matter. There’s something I need you to do.


Welrod: Miss IWS... we’re onto something.
We’ve detected faint traces of radiation residue. The convoy should be up ahead.