name Veteran's Skills
icon Skill_NagantSR_Passive_4
text For each instance of damage dealt, gains 1 point of Confectance Index. If an enemy unit moves within Nagant's range, she deals physical damage equal to ($atk)% of attack and ($stability_dmg) points of stability damage. If the target has a defense debuff, applies Stun to the target for 1 turn. This effect can only be triggered ($trigger) per turn.

A seasoned veteran never misses a single move the enemy makes!

atk 50 80 80
stability_dmg 2 3 3
trigger once once twice
skilllevelcount 3
extraeffect Damage multiplier increases by 30% and deals 3 points of stability damage. Damage multiplier increases by 30% and deals 3 points of stability damage. Increase the trigger count by 1 every turn.