Helix Story Profile Quotes

"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Personality edit

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Helix was a Doll focused on research in the field of genetic engineering. Her work was instrumental for the development of treatments for ELID-related immune system failure. However, she was a researcher and not a clinician, and her hyper-specialization in DNA research had no relevance in the virtual Magrasea server. This led to many nights of Helix crying alone in her room until her next door neighbor Antonina could no longer tolerate hearing her weeping.

Antonina and Lancet built a modified DNA recombinant analyzer, customized so that it could be used in the Magrasea server to heal Agents. Helix was excited to test the device, but she was not yet an official member of the Medical Department so she had to search the Oasis for test subjects. Helix went to the Oasis boxing gym in hopes of finding someone in need of healing, but ran out because it was too scary. She accidentally collided into Kuro. Helix apologized and then asked if Kuro was injured by the collision. She sounded disappointed that Kuro denied being hurt, causing Kuro to become annoyed. She demanded Helix reveal her identity and reason for suspiciously running out of the boxing gym.

Kuro recognized Helix’s name as the Doll who was known for being useless and crying in her room. Helix protested, although she noted that the only time she had previously prescribed treatment was when she had helped to apply a band-aid on a Doll with a scrape. This led to Kuro mocking her further. Helix was upset, but requested permission to follow Kuro around because she suspected that given Kuro’s attitude, she was the type of person who might end up getting hurt just by walking down the street. Kuro noted that Helix had now pissed off her twice in five minutes. No longer wanting to deal with her, she advised Helix to visit the Old City Area as it was known for Dolls who enjoyed more dangerous hobbies to congregate there. Helix thanked Kuro for the tip and gave her contact details, in case she was hurt in the future.

Sunset Blush edit

"Hayley...No, Helix...I have no choice. All I can do is delete myself from your memories...From now on we will not contact each other...May your world always be sunny and bright. May you never have to see its darkness..." - ???

"When Helix first came to the Oasis, she thought she was useless and Choco doted on her...poor Helix-chan. You're not useless anymore so you don't need to push yourself so hard. Okay?" - Choco

Choco had noted that multiple failed batches of test chocolates had gone missing from her Chocolaterie despite none of the cleaning agents or her staff members knowing what had happened to them. At the Professor's insistence, Kimie investigated with Choco during a stakeout especially after the Oasis Security Department reported that a "vampire" was recently sighted near the Chocolaterie. The thief turned out to be a sleepwalking Helix, mistaken for a vampire due to her blood-red eyes that emitted an eerie glow in the darkness. Helix's system reported that she had run low on operands to 15% capacity, unable to support high-output work. Choco had heard from Anna that Helix had been working with the Medical Department for some kind of gene compiling surgery. Helix had felt useless when she initially arrived to the Oasis, but with Anna's help was able to make full use of her specialty and had fallen back to old habits of overworking herself. Choco noted she had seen Helix in the Medical Department's sickbeds multiple times. Kimie deduced that Helix's body was following its instincts to replenish energy via eating despite her neural cloud being in sleep mode. Choco intended to wake Helix up to feed her, but Kimie instead infused her own operands into Helix which caused her sleeping form to become more relaxed.

Choco and Kimie brought Helix back to her dorm room, where she woke up later in the morning after well-deserved rest. Helix recognized Kimie and noted she seemed more cheerier since her first arrival. Her dorm table was packed with all kinds of Japanese food including bentos, sushi, ochazuke, and over 10 different types of snacks. Kimie and Choco had prepared this breakfast for Helix, making a variety of dishes since Kimie was not familiar with Helix's tastes. Helix's eyes started to moisten and she blinked tears in her eyes as she grabbed a plum onigiri, finding it delicious. Helix's hunger took precedent over decorum as she grabbed a roll of sushi in her left hand and a cube of yokan with her right. Helix informed them that she had not eaten for several days, and upon questioning Choco and Kimie confirmed that she had no recollection of the events at the Chocolaterie. Helix was embarrassed, recalling that she had an override protection system installed back when she was in the real world and often operated in low-power mode. She remembered her researchers taking care of her so she could focus all her efforts on genetic research, but had neglected to take care of herself now that she was alone in the Oasis. Feeling bitterness in her heart, she stared at her plate for a long time without saying a word. Kimie comforted her as Helix started to cry due to missing the real world and feeling useless despite all her newfound friends in the Oasis. Kimie felt they were kindred spirits and also recounted her own loneliness, having been rejected by the shrine worshipers for being a Doll. Kaede had asked her to stay inside the shrine instead of traveling with her on her journeys, which Kimie had interpreted to mean Kaede had given up on her. However, Helix recalled her half-deleted memories of similar experiences and was able to tell Kimie that Kaede had actually been protecting her. Helix asked Kimie if she was happy living with everyone in the Oasis, which Kimie affirmed. Helix informed Kimie that she liked her very much and hoped she would stay, with Choco echoing the sentiment. Kimie was touched by her newfound friends' words, but felt duty-bound to stay at Kurenoyume Shrine and thus declined to stay in the Oasis. Helix left shortly after due to an urgent operation at the Medical Department.

Helix would later appear in the event story at the shrine with the rest of Kimie's Oasis friends. She offered to help clear away the fallen leaves as everyone helped prepare for the Akimatsuri festival. However, Kimie had other plans and whispered in Helix's ear to her delight. Running off, Helix returned later with freshly roasted sweet potatoes, offering one to the Professor and giving the biggest one to Kimie. They watched as Octogen's new fireworks burst in the sky, with Helix elated by how pretty they were.