Hatsuchiri Story Profile Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Morning Play 안녕, 교수. 저기 봐, 하늘의 구름이 솜사탕 같아서, 정말 예뻐. Good morning, Professor. Look, the clouds in the sky look just like cotton candy. How beautiful.
Afternoon Play 지저를 한 바퀴 돌아보기 좋은 시간인데, 같이 갈래, 교수? This is the perfect time to go for a wander underground. Would you like to join me, Professor?
Evening Play 밤하늘의 은하수는 용암 같아... 반짝이고, 흐르고, 타오르는 느낌이... The Milky Way in the night sky looks like lava... Shimmering, flowing, burning...
Night Play 슬슬 잘 시간이야, 교수. 알록달록한 색채의 꿈을 꾸길 바라. It's time for bed, Professor. May you find yourself in the embrace of colorful dreams.
Main Interface Voice Play 인간은 참 재미있어. 언제나 내가 이해 못할 짓을 하니까. 너와 같이 있으면, 인간을 더 잘 이해할 수 있게 되지 않을까? Humans are so interesting. They often do things that I struggle to understand. If I spend more time with you, I may have a better understanding of humans... That's the idea.
Play 스에 못 봤어? 종종 말도 없이 갑자기 사라지는데, 어디 가는 걸 내가 말릴 수도 없고... 그래도, 다시 돌아와 줬으면 좋겠어. Have you seen Suei? It sometimes disappears all of a sudden. I can't stop it from going somewhere else, but... I really hope it will return to me.
- -
Play 응, 나 여기 있어. Yeah, I'm here.
Play - This is a sapphire I found in a skarn deposit in Madagascar. Would you like to look at it with me? Beautiful, isn't it? Could it be a footprint left behind by the wandering ocean, I wonder?
Interactive Voice Play 어...? 그거, 교수의 애정 표현이야? Hmm...? Is this how you express your fondness?
Play 아, 미안해. 나 또 자고 있었어? Oh, sorry, was I spacing out again?
Play 심심해? 내가 같이 있어 줄게. Feeling lonely, Professor? I'll keep you company.
Relationship Dialogues Play 교수는 인간과 인형에 관해 생각해본 적 있어? 내가 보기에, 인간과 인형은 별로 다르지 않아. 아니, 어쩌면 세상 모든 것이 다 같을지도 몰라. 초목을 아끼는 일이 자신을 아끼는 일과 같을지도 몰라. 이 세상과 비교하면, 우리는 작고 보잘것없는 존재야. Have you ever thought about the relationship between humans and Dolls? We aren't really that different. In fact, you can say that all things are alike in the universe. Cherishing a single blade of grass could also be an act of self-love. Compared to the entire world, we are all but mere grains of sand.
Play 무서우면서도 아름다운 풍경을 본 적이 있어. 깊은 어둠 속에서, 그녀는 흐르는 무지개색 유리처럼 나를 감쌌고, 나는 만화경 같은 꿈에 빠졌어. 그리고... The sight I once saw was both terrifying and beautiful. In deep and profound darkness, she enveloped me like a swirl of prismatic gems... I was plunged into a kaleidoscopic world of dreams, then...
Play 뜨거움과 차가움이 공존하는 조용하고도 어두운 세상은, 내게 있어 고향이자 언젠가 돌아갈 곳이야. 그곳을 헤엄칠 때, 나를 더 깊은 곳으로 이끄는 소리가 들려... To me, that dark and silent world where burning heat and icy cold coexist is both my place of origin and my end. As I swim through it, I can hear her call, guiding me deeper...
Play ...아, 미안해, 무심코 보고 있었어. 왜 계속 보고 있었냐고? 그야 교수를 좋아해서... 얼마나? 으음... 솜사탕 모양의 광물 표본만큼 좋아해. Oh, sorry, I was a bit enthralled... You'd like to know why I keep staring at you? Because I really like you, Professor... How much do I like you? Hmm, about as much as I like mineral specimens and the shape of cotton candy, I suppose.
Play 내가 끝을 맞이하기 전에, 꼭 해야만 하는 일이 있어. 기나긴 여정의 중간에 너를 만난 것은 정말 엄청난 행운이야. 네게선 특별함이 느껴져. 그러니 내게 더 많은 것을 보여 줘. 그 보답으로, 이 여정의 끝에서 네가 본 적 없을 풍경을 보여 줄게. Even though I know where it all ends, there are things I must do before I get there... It was fortuitous to have met you in my long journey. I can sense that you are special, so show me more. In return, I will also show you a sight you have never seen at the end of our journey.
Moods Play
Accept Play
Agree Play
Appreciate Play
Feeling Play
Oath Play 용암이 흐르는 모습을 본 적 있어? 돌이킬 수 없는 만물처럼, 모든 것을 집어삼키면서 떠내려가. 하지만 네 덕분에 그 의미를 깨달았어... 이렇게, 내 손을 꼭 잡아 줘. 모든 것은 결국 지나가겠지만, 적어도 지금 우리는 함께 있어. Have you ever seen flowing lava? It surges on, consuming everything in its wake, irrevocable. But you have shown me its significance... Hold my hand tight, just like that. All things will perish in the end, but at least right now, we are together.
Obtain Play 또 만났네, 교수. 내게 다시 새로운 풍경을 보여 줘. We meet again, Professor. Show me different sights again like you did last time.

Neural Cloud


뉴럴 클라우드 Neural Cloud

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Potential Breakthrough Play 이 힘은 나를 어디로 이끌어 줄까? Where will this power lead me?
Neural Expansion Play 들려... 그들이 부르는 소리가. They're calling to me... I can hear them.
Max Neural Expansion
Play - Let's delve deeper together.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Join Team Play 출발할 거야? Are we setting off?
Battle Start Play 또 시작되는구나... 끝없는 싸움이. Here we go again... This is an endless fight.
Ultimate Skill Play 여기서 끝이야. The end is nigh.
MVP1 Play 너희에겐 과연 어떻게 보일까? What is the sight you see...?
MVP2 Play 그녀가 너희를 데리고 갈 거야. 그러니 안심하고 잠들어. She'll lead you on, so let sleep take you.


익숙한... 어둠... Hello darkness... my old friend...


- Yeah, I'll do my best.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Christmas Play - Is Santa Claus also waiting for his Santa Claus?
Halloween Play - Looking for me, Professor? Oh, I just heard a call and went to meet a friend that I have not seen in a very long time. She seems to be enjoying this day as well. It makes me really happy.
New Year Play - Huh? Today is New Year's Day? Sorry, I'm a bit bad at keeping track of time. Time seems to stretch on to infinity when I'm in the middle of prospecting... But since it's such an important day, I'm glad I get to spend it with you.
Tanabata Play - Tanabata... Sounds like a lovely festival. Can you tell me the story behind it, Professor?
Valentine Play - Fern told me that I ought to give handmade chocolate to someone important to me on this day, but I'm not very good at it, so it ended up looking like black mudstone... Huh? It tastes good? I'm glad to hear that.
Player's Birthday Play - This is a gemstone I found in a silica-poor pegmatite from Tanzania. I always have it with me. It glints like a heart pumping out blood—it is the most beautiful ruby I have ever seen. I'm giving my heart to you, Professor. Happy Birthday.