June 1st edit

Summer Discount Package edit

June 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 6th 23:59 GMT+8

Package content:

Name Change Card x1


One purchase available per player

Package cost: 1999  

Daily Discount Package edit

Promotion slide

June 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 30th 23:59 GMT+8

Package content:

 x135,  x150,  x1

One purchase available per day

Package cost: 118  

June 4th edit

Logistics Great Success Rate-up edit


June 4th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 10th 23:59 GMT+8

Logistic great success rate for all logistical missions will be increased while the event duration lasts.

June 9th edit

Fairy Tale Festival edit

Promotion slide

June 9th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 21st 10:00 GMT+8

Procurement pool "Fairy tale Festival" will be open from 9th of June 00:00 til 21st of June before maintenance.

Procurement pool contents as following:

Fairy Tale Festival Costume Bundle edit

Promotion slide

June 9th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 20th 23:59 GMT+8

Costume available as part of a bundle:

One purchase available per player

Package cost: 2588  

June 11th edit

Operation Zongzi edit


June 11th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ July 1st 23:59 GMT+8

Defeat bosses from chapter 1 to chapter 8 normal players will be awarded with 10 event currency   Metal Zongzi! Zongzi eligibility reset on 00:00 Beijing time everyday, maximum amount of Zongzi can be obtained per day is 80!

Event shop is located in the in-game micro-transaction shop, top tab. Items for purchase and pricing as following:

Item Zongzi
RF TAC-50TAC-50TAC-50 240  
Dormitory Pet: Zongzi Cat 120  
Furniture: Zongzi Leaf Swing 120  
Furniture: Dragon Boat 120  
Furniture: Traditional Dragon Boat Drums 120  
Equipment: 16Lab MARS 100  
Equipment: 16Lab T4 Exo-Skele 100  
Profile Background: Dragon Boat Festival 50  
Player Avatar: Alloy Zongzi 35  
Player Avatar: Zongzi Cat 35  
Procurement Token (100 in stock) 2  
Combat Report Disc (200 in stock) 2  

Note that chapter 8-6 have two bosses, while only 10 Zongzi can be obtained per day,player's daily Zongzi eligibility will be consumed after defeating just one boss, players could consider:

  • Fighting Destroyer right before 00:00 daily reset, after reset return to the battle interface and fight Dreamer, securing 20 Zongzi with one run for the sake of conserving resources.
  • Alternatively players can just choose to terminate the battle after defeating Destroyer and not fighting Dreamer at all.
  • This event ran in Global under the name The Rice Dumpling Day from 8 to 28 June 2018.

June 23rd edit

Return! The Glory of Grifon edit

June 23rd 00:00 GMT+8 ~ August 31st 23:59 GMT+8

A Returner reward event where summoning players to return will yield rewards such as  ,  , Simulation Extra Energy, T-Doll SMG T77T77T77 and many more.

  • Note: You have to use the friend system to add the returning player as a friend. If they are already in your friends list, you need to add them back again to attain the corresponding reward only once. Returning players are denoted as players whom have not played since June 2018 and are above level 15.

June 30th edit

Special Rescue Operation edit

June 30th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ July 8th 23:59 GMT+8

Additional T-doll units added to potential loots in specific battle chapters! Dolls drop from S rating boss fight rating and from S rating battle conclusion!

Listed as following: