Colt Revolver Story Quotes

"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Personality edit

She seems addicted to soft drinks, based on her dialogue constantly referencing soda. This could be a reference to sarsaparilla, a popular soft drink in the time of the old west.

Story Involvement edit

Neural Upgrade edit

Part 1 edit

Part 2 edit

Part 3 edit

Part 4 edit

In-game mail edit

1st Anniversary (EN 2019) edit

An Anniversary Message to the Commander

Dear Commander,

Happy ☆ 1st Anniversary, yeah! I didn't expect time to pass so fast! I kind of feel like I haven't had enough coke to drink this year. How about you, Commander? Have you had enough coke? Haha, after a year of training, surely you must be capable of feeling this rush of energy by now!

Anyway, I must thank you for everything you have done for me in the past year. I've submitted an application for a new project to Miss Kalina. From now on, we will receive pre-registered commemorative photos on every anniversary, so let's take some good photos during the party at HQ!

Teehee, I will make that noisy loser cat be in charge of the delivery! Just remember to keep some empty space in your belly. I'll definitely make sure that you get to drink your fill of coke☆

Yours truly,


1 January 2025 edit

New Year's Eve Coke Drink-All-You-Can Notice

Dear friends,

Have you heard?! The Commander will be leaving the base and spending the New Year's holidays away. In other words, we will be left to our own devices for several days!

Which means... we will have free access to the drinks at the base!!! Woohoo!!!

I have already confirmed our current stock level of Coke—we have enough to last us three days and three nights! Feel free to check the stock levels of other beverages yourselves!

Now for our event announcement: We are planning to organize a drink-all-you-can event on New Year's Eve, which will start at 9pm. You are welcome to bring your own cup/glass as well as your preferred beverage~ The ending time of the event is still TBD; it mainly depends on when the Commander will be returning.

Also, no need to worry about keeping this event secret. This message is sent to all members at the Griffin base except for the Commander, Kalina, and Helian~ Don't take me for some idiot who would mistakenly send the message only to the excluded recipients!

Woohoo, I can't wait to begin our New Year's holidays!