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AR70 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 初めまして、指揮官様。ベレッタ70です。指揮官様との生活を心より期待しております。きっと、楽しい時間になりますわ。Play Greetings, Commander, I'm Berretta AR70. I look forward to our time together. I'm sure it'll be wonderful.
Introduction AR70的研发契机来源于一次我厂与SG510东家的研发合作,这场合作虽然最终告吹,但直接促成了我的诞生。 服役期间我为本国部队提供了可靠的协助,还获得了“圣剑”的别名。所以您可以放心信任我,我一定会全力让您满意的。 The development opportunity of the AR70 came from a research and development cooperation between our factory and the SG510 owner. Although this cooperation eventually ended, it directly contributed to my birth. During my service, I provided reliable assistance to my national forces and received the alias of "Holy Sword". So you can rest assured that I will do my best to satisfy you.
Secretary 指挥官,我今天的表现,您还满意吗? 今日の私の仕事ぶりはいかがでしょうか、指揮官様?Play Are you satisfied with my work today, Commander?
工作很辛苦吗?需要什么请随时说哦,我会一直在这儿的。 お仕事は大変ですか?何かありましたらいつでも言ってくださいね。私はずっとここにいますから。Play Are you tired from work? If there is anything you need, feel free to ask. I'll always be here.
指挥官,您果然很在意我吧?接下来……打算给我升职吗? 指揮官様、やっぱり気に入ってくれてますよね。もしかして昇進とかさせてもらえますか?Play Commander, you really do care about me, don't you?'ll be giving me a promotion?
Secretary (post OATH)
Are you satisfied with the sweets today? I've learned quite a lot of new tricks recently. I'll definitely make you happy everyday ♪
Сommander, am I...being promoted? You've given me your best treatment all of a sudden... My heart isn't ready yet... However, you'll still wait for me, right? Until the day I can completely satisfy you...
Greeting Ciao. 新しい一日の始まりは腹ごしらえからですよ。何を食べたいですか?Play Ciao. The beginning of a new day starts from your belly. What do you want to eat?
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間が来ました。そうですね、私も嬉しいです。Play It seems that new friends have come, I am also happy.
Joining an echelon ベレッタ70チームに加わること…光栄に思います。Play Beretta 70, I am honored to join the team.
Enhancement 本当に大事にしてくれてますよね、指揮官様。ありがとうございます。Play Thank you very much for taking care of me, really.
Dummy-linking これは…ご褒美ですよね。嬉しいです。Play This is a reward, I'm glad.
Logistics (start) どんな任務でしょう?楽しみですね。Play What kind of mission? I'm looking forward to it.
Logistics (end) ただいま。ちょっと疲れましたね。Play I'm just a little tired now.
Autobattle 成果をあげる時が来ました。任せてください!Play Now's the time to get some results. Leave it all to me!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 栄耀を取り戻す時が来ました!Play Now is the time to reclaim glory!
Starting a battle 敵です!進め!Play It's the enemy! Move forward!
Skill activation 愚か者め。Play What a fool.
チャンスはあたしの物よ。Play Now's my chance.
あたししか出来ません!Play I am the one who can do it.
Heavily damaged チャンスが…もう巡ってこないの。Play I don't...stand a chance.
Retreat ミスしてないのに、一体とこが間違ってたのかな。Play I didn't make any mistakes, but where did it all go wrong?
MVP うふふ、今回も私のお手軽ですよね。ちゃんと覚えてて下さいよ。Play Ehehe, it was easy for me this time, too. Please remember that well.
Restoration すみません指揮官様。許してくれますか?Play I'm sorry, Commander. Will you forgive me?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween あっ、お菓子ならこちらで用意してあげますわ。皆さんが喜んでくれるのなら。Play Ah, I'll prepare some sweets right here. I hope they'll be to everyone's liking.
Christmas 心を込めて、イタリアのクリスマスケーキ…パネトーネをご用意しました。皆さんにどうぞ食べてください。Play Please, everyone will be pleased if you try this Italian Panettone Christmas cake which we have made wholeheartedly
New Year's Day 指揮官様、新しい年が始まりましたね。今年は昇進できるのでしょうか?


Commander, a new year has started, can I be promoted this year?
Valentine's day 指揮官様、これ受け取って下さい。えっと…気に入ってくれたら…嬉しいです。


Commander, please accept this from me. Ummm...if you like it...then I'm happy.
Tanabata 願いが叶いますように。し…指揮官様…見ちゃいました?誰にも言わないでくださいね。


May my wish come true. C-Commander! Did you see it? Please don't tell anyone else!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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