
Revision as of 17:46, 25 September 2019 by American Ronin (talk | contribs) (Valentine EN: fixed phrasing to match the pause. Better word-choice added)
GSh-18 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition GSh-18正式入列!不论是多么艰难的任务我都能完成!请随时派遣! Gsh-18(じーえすえっちえいてぃーん)入隊しました!どんな大変な任務でもやり遂げます!いつでもご命令を!Play GSh-18 reporting in! No matter how difficult the task, I can handle it! Give your orders at any time!
Introduction (同上) ditto
Secretary 嗯?怎么?有什么情况请及时和我讲啊指挥官。等等……!您在干什么呀! なに?どうかしたん?何があったらすぐ教えて下さいよ指揮官。待って待って…!今何をしてはるんですか!Play Emm? What? Please don't hesitate to tell me if any situation develops. Wait...! What are you doing!?
上回的连载,我应该没有让人失望吧,应该……(小声)没有什么问题吧……大概…… 前回の連載はみんなの期待に応えられたやろか…?問題とか無いですよね…たぶん…。Play That last issue, did it live up to everyone's expectations? (whispers) Seems like there were no problems... probably...
指挥官——要活动一下吗?总是坐着对身体不好哦。(趴下做俯卧撑)嘿咻,1——2——3—— 指揮官――少し体を動かしてみませんか?いつも座り込んで体に悪いですよ。えーい、いち――にっ――さん――!Play Commander would you like to exercise? Sitting all the time isn't good for your physique. (Gets down on the ground to do push-ups) Alright, 1——2——3——
Secretary (post OATH)
天気がいいですね。指揮官、一緒に出かけませんか? …ん~?お仕事ならうちも手伝ってあげますよ。それが終わったら絶対一緒に出掛けてね。
Sure is nice weather. Commander, can we go outside together? Hmm? If you're worried about work, I'll help you out, but when it's all wrapped up we'll absolutely go outside together, alright?
Commander, if you weren't by my side, I definitely would not be here today... I've always desired your every order, compliment, trust, and this... This reliable smile of yours.
Greeting おっ指揮官?次の任務についてお話しますか?Play Ooh, commander? Shall we talk about the next mission?
T-Doll Produced どれどれ、新しい仲間ですか?誰が来ても、うちは負けませんからね!Play Let me see, a new comrade huh? No matter who is she, I will not lose!
Joining an echelon 指揮官をがっかりさせへんよう、頑張ります!Play To keep the Commander from feeling disappointed, I will do my best!
Enhancement これなら、戦闘の時間がかなり縮みそうです、次回の連載の締め切りはきっと間に合う!Play With this, we can shorten the battle duration. I can catch up with the next chapter deadline!
Dummy-linking 敵の体に、もっともっと穴を開けられそうです。Play Looks like I can tear a bunch more holes in the enemy's body now.
Logistics (start) 長期的な外出任務ですか?いい鍛練になりそうです!Play A long duration outing mission? This will be a good exercise!
Logistics (end) 指揮官、ええもんを持ち帰りましたよ!Play Commander, I brought back some good items!
Autobattle 気を引き締めて、もうひと踏ん張りです!Play Brace your mind and stand firm!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission バリバリ片付けましょう!行くって!Play Let's work hard to clean this up! Let's go!
Starting a battle みんな、用意!Play Everyone, prepare!
Skill activation 君を次回のネタにします!Play I will make you as my next (chapter) material!
こいつを喰らえ!Play Eat this!
うちの貫通力を、舐めないでください!Play My penetrating power, please don't look down on it!
Heavily damaged しまったん、やりすぎた、でも大丈夫、まだいける!Play Oh no, this is just too much. But don't worry, I still can fight!
Retreat しくじって、申し訳ございませんでした、うち、まだここに残ってもいいですか?Play I apologize for messing things up. Can you leave me behind here?
MVP 防弾チョッキを付けてもうちには無駄や!そんなもん、自分を身動きを取れなくなるだけです!Play A bulletproof vest is useless against me! That will just hinder your movement!
Restoration こんな傷、すぐに治りますよ!Play This kind of wound will heal in no time!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween お菓子をいっぱいもってあるいたら散々盛り上がるでしょ。Play Walking with plenty of sweets sure bring you excitement.
Christmas うちのプレゼントはみんなに喜ばれるんかな。んっ…緊張しますね。Play Will everyone be delighted with my presents I wonder. I'm so nervous.
New Year's Day 指揮官明けましておめでとう。元気出して!ダラダラしたら運いなくなっちゃいますよ!


Commander, Happy New Year. Where's your spirit! If you keep it like that your fortune will disappear!
Valentine's day 指揮官 あのっ…うちのチョコ届きましたか?味はどうないですか?


Commander, umm... did you get my chocolate? How did it taste?
Tanabata みんなは外で花火してますよ。線香花火も持ってきました…じゃんじゃん!ねぇ、一緒に花火やろう!


Everyone is playing with fireworks outside. I also brought some, tadaa! Hey, let's lit them together!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play