
Revision as of 05:20, 24 September 2019 by Shogun (talk | contribs) (Holiday EN translations)
AK-74U Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 啊,是BOSS吗?AK-74U,我的名字。为了你的事业,好好考虑下我给的服务吧。 ああ、ボス。アタシはAK-74Uよ。アタシの提案、よく考えてね。Play Ahh, you the boss? AK-74U is my name. For the sake of your career, please thoroughly consider the services I provide.
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 你…你想说什么,小小的有什么不好! クリンコフ…もしかしなくてもアタシのこと言ってるんでしょ!?小さくて悪かったね!Play What... what are you trying to say, what's wrong with being small!
想要什么就快说啊,巨浪还在等着我呢。 言いたい事があれば早く言ってよ!As-Valがアタシを待ってんだぞ!Play Whatever you want hurry up with it, Val is waiting for me.
喂,我的服务科不包含这一条!要找的话9A91可是很乐意哦! ボス…これはアタシのサービス範囲外だよ!こういうのは9A-91なら喜ぶのよ!Play Oy, my services does not include that! If you want it go find 9A91, she'd be happy to do that.
Secretary (post OATH)
Hold up, Boss. Did you make a mistake? Don't get any closer! I'll pump you full of lead! Well...what...just this once! No, I'll forgive you in the future.
Greeting ボス、今日はどうするの?ふふっ、どうせ、なにしてもアタシが必要でしょ?Play Boss, what were you doing just now? Heh, anyways, do you need me for something?
T-Doll Produced 新入りが来たね。ふふっ、どうせまた、AK47姉さんでしょ。Play A newcomer is here. Heh, in any case it's probably big sis AK47.
Joining an echelon えぇ?こんなチームがどこまでやれるかな?Play Huh? How much can this team do?
Enhancement спасибо—。どうせ安物だし。こんなに苦労してもメリットがないよ。Play спасибо—. It's cheaper anyway. No sense in working so hard for it.
Dummy-linking え!?BOSSは本気なのか?ふふっ。でも、アタシは満足してるよ。Play Eh!? Is the Boss serious? Hehe, well I'm happy about it.
Logistics (start) 物資調達に行ってくるわー。留守番お願いねー。Play I'm out to procure some goods. Leave everything else on the answering machine please.
Logistics (end) 帰えったよ~。あたしがいない間に、問題なかったわよね?Play I'm back. You didn't have any problems while I was away, did you?
Autobattle 結局、アタシに頼るのね。Play In the end, you can rely on me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission もう出撃よ、ちゃんと保険には入った?Play Alright time to go, did you bring your insurance?
Starting a battle そんなに死にたいの?Play You wanna die that badly?
Skill activation ひひぃ!毒入りの弾よ!まいどあり~Play Hihi! A poisoned bullet! Have some more~!
そら!顔をもっと歪めてな!Play That's it! Make some more faces!
あんたらの屍でアタシの身長測ってやるわ!Play I'll measure my height with your corpses!
Heavily damaged ええっ!?アタシが!?あぇ、ヤダヤダヤダぁ!Play Eh!? Me!? Nononono!
Retreat くっ、こんな結果…アタシも望んでないよ…Play Kuh, this wasn't...the result I was hoping for.
MVP ふん、あたしのおかげよ。次もこんな風に順調だといいけどね。Play Hmph, all thanks to me. Hopefully the result will be just as good next time?
Restoration どうせボスの仕業ね、この変態、近寄らないでよ!Play You have work to do, Boss. Don't get any closer, you freaking pervert.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 機長な祭りの日だからってなんで9A-9と一緒にいるんだよ?!怪しいぞ…お前達…弱いなんかいねーよ!Play Why are you all alone with 9A-91 at this festival? Something's fishy...you guys...that's really weak!
Christmas もうクリスマスか。みんなと過ごすよりAK-47姉さんと一緒に過ごしたいとこなんだけどなぁ…Play Is it Christmas already? I'd rather be spending time with big sis AK47 than with everyone else.
New Year's Day 来年も努力してよねボス。あと勘違いされる困るから言っておくけど。これはお世辞よ…お世辞。


Let's work harder next year, okay boss? Oh, and I'll tell it to you again so that it's not misunderstood. This is flattery, you hear? Fla-tte-ry.
Valentine's day あたしがチョコを送る日が来るなんて。えっと…わさび味「…」混ざってるよ。あたしなり愛情の表現よ。


It's now time to send out the chocolate. Um...I mixed wasabi flavor into that. This is my expression of love, hihihi.
Tanabata 七夕?毎日会うのは面倒で態々口実でも作ったような記念日だろう?真の仲良しなら記念日なんて関係なく会うもんなんだよ。


Tanabata? Isn't it a bit inconvenient to want to meet everyday. A true friend would meet regardless of the anniversary.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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