
Revision as of 07:41, 6 September 2019 by Shogun (talk | contribs) (General EN translations/corrections)
SV-98 Story Quotes

Base Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition SV-98向您报到,请下达您的命令吧。 SV98、参上しました。ご命令を。Play SV-98, reporting in, what are your orders?
Introduction SV-98是针对反恐、解救人质等远程精确狙击任务而研发的步枪武器,用以接替精于前线作战的SVD。射击精度和隐蔽性都是令我自豪的长处,但这也需要精心保养才行。不过我相信指挥官会照顾好我的,请多指教! SV-98, designed for counter-terrorist, rescuing hostages and other long distance sniping roles, in order to replace the frontline combat focused SVD. Accuracy and convertibility are my proud traits, but it does require regular and careful maintenances. But I believe that the Commander will look after me with care, please take care of me.
Secretary 下次的目标,是什么呢? 次のターゲットは何でしょう。Play What's our next target?
虽然不擅长近战,但是远距离射击,就交给我吧。 接近戦は苦手ですが、長距離戦ならお任せください。Play Although I'm not suited to close combat, you can leave long-range sniping to me.
“要命中你的红心哦!砰——!”……哎呀!指挥官,被你听到了吗? 君のハートを撃ち抜くぞ!バン!あっ!指揮官!聞いてましたの!?Play "I'll shoot you through the heart! Pew-!" ...ah?! Commander, you heard?
Secretary (post OATH)
Today's workload is a bit more than expected... Whatever, no matter how hard it gets, I'll be with you!
Eh? This...this is beyond my expectations. But, I won't need to note this down right? Because once is more than enough. Commander, I'll never forget this moment.
Greeting 欢迎回来。 お帰りなさい。Play welcome back.
T-Doll Produced 新装备制造完成。 新規装備の建造が完了しました。Play New equipment finished construction.
Joining an echelon 我一定不会辜负您的期望的! あなた様の期待に、必ず応えて見せます。Play I won't disappoint you!
Enhancement 谢谢您,我会继续努力的。 ありがとうございます。この調子で努力します。Play Thank you, I will keep up the hardwork.
Dummy-linking 扩编完成。各位,准备下瞄具。 編成拡大完了。皆、照準器の準備をしてくださいね。Play Linking complete. Everyone check your optics.
Logistics (start) 指挥官,我出发了。在我不在时也请照顾好自己。 指揮官、行ってきます。私の留守中もお気を付けてPlay Commander I'm going. Look after yourself while I'm away.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,任务顺利完成。 戻りました。任務は順調に完了しましたよPlay I'm back, mission accomplished.
Autobattle 掩护行动就请交给在当地的我吧。 援護作戦は、当区にいる私に任せてください。Play Covering operation? Leave it to me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出发! 出撃します!Play Move out!
Starting a battle 发现敌人,注意周围警戒! 敵軍を捕捉、周囲を警戒して!Play Contact, watch the surroundings!
Skill activation 瞄准,开火! よく狙って、撃って!Play Locked on, fire!
这种距离完全没问题! これぐらいの距離なら、大丈夫ですよ。Play No problem at this distance.
就让这发精确无误的射击来结束战斗吧! 完璧な一撃です、これで戦いを終わらせましょう!Play Let's end this with this shot.
Heavily damaged 唔,太小看敌军了…… うっ、敵軍を甘く見ました。Play Noo, I underestimated them.
Retreat 大意了,撤退...... 油断しました。退却します…Play Wasn't careful enough, retreating...
MVP 这都要归功于活用测距和精度练习的成果。 射程距離と命中の成果を活かしたおかげです。Play This is all due to my accuracy training.
Restoration 呜啊,果然是我失策了。 うお…やっぱり、しくじっじゃたみたいです。Play Wah, misjudged that one badly.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 果然不擅长万圣节呢……好讨厌。 やっぱりハロウインは苦手です、仮装も悪戯も、ちょっと苦手なんです。Play I'm not really fond of Halloween... You see, I'm not really good at costumes or pulling pranks.
Christmas みんなと一緒のクリスマスはとっても楽しいです。指揮官、クリスマスベルを飾りますね。Play It's so much fun spending time together with everyone during Christmas! Commander, let's put on some Christmas bells!
New Year's Day 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます!歌唱の練習をしてますの、ちゃんと聞いてくださいね。


Commander, Happy New Year! I'll be practicing my singing! Please listen to it, okay?
Valentine's day 指揮官、あの… これを受け取ってください!ごめんなさい、形があまりよくなくて…


Commander, um... Please, accept this! I'm so sorry the shape isn't that good, though...
Tanabata お願い事はこれからもみんな一緒にいることです。あぁ…これはお願い事じゃないか。もう叶ちゃってますし。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,我更新了自己的形象和计算方式,一定为您带来更多胜利!……好啦别盯着看啦,快工作吧! 指揮官、自分のイメージと計算「…」更新しました!必ずよりおくの勝利をもたらす見せます!ほらほらじっと見ないで。早くお仕事しましょう!Play Commander, I've updated my image and my calculating capabilities! I'll be sure to bring you some more victories. Hey now, don't just stare. Let's get to work right away!
Introduction SV-98是针对反恐、解救人质等远程精确狙击任务而研发的步枪武器,用以接替精于前线作战的SVD。射击精度和隐蔽性都是令我自豪的长处,但这也需要精心保养才行。不过我相信指挥官会照顾好我的,请多指教! SV-98, designed for counter-terrorist, rescuing hostages and other long distance sniping roles, in order to replace the frontline combat focused SVD. Accuracy and convertibility are my proud traits, but it does require regular and careful maintenances. But I believe that the Commander will look after me with care, please take care of me.
Secretary 来新工作了吗,指挥官?需要我帮您计算胜率吗? 新しい仕事ですか、指揮官?勝率を検算しましょうか?Play Is there a new mission, Commander? Want me to check the winning percentage?
啊指挥官,这边有点忙,请稍等一下。 あ、指揮官!今、ちょっと取り込んでいるのて、少し待っていてください。Play Ah, Commander! I'm a little busy right now. Please wait a moment.
这也是……行动的一部分吗?让我先好好做个笔记吧…… これも、作戦の一部ですか?しっかりとメモおきしましょう。Play Is this a part of our strategy, too? I'll make a note of that.
Secretary (post OATH)
Today's workload is a bit more than expected... Whatever, no matter how hard it gets, I'll be with you!
Eh? This...this is beyond my expectations. But, I won't need to note this down right? Because once is more than enough. Commander, I'll never forget this moment.
Greeting 欢迎回来。 こんにちは、指揮官。今日の作戦は、私が補佐しますよ。Play Hello, Commander. I will assist with strategizing today.
T-Doll Produced 新装备制造完成。 新規装備の建造が完了しました。Play Construction of the new equipment has been completed. Welcome!
Joining an echelon チームに入ります。いつでも行きます!Play Team joined. Ready to go!
Enhancement 計算が超えた力!ありがとうございます!Play This power is beyond calculation. Thank you so much!
Dummy-linking 扩编完成。各位,准备下瞄具。 編成拡大完了。皆、照準器の準備をしてくださいね。Play Linking complete. Everyone check your optics.
Logistics (start) 指挥官,我出发了。在我不在时也请照顾好自己。 指揮官、行ってきます。私の留守中もお気を付けてPlay Commander I'm going. Look after yourself while I'm away.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,任务顺利完成。 戻りました。任務は順調に完了しましたよPlay I'm back, mission accomplished.
Autobattle 掩护行动就请交给在当地的我吧。 援護作戦は、当区にいる私に任せてください。Play Covering operation? Leave it to me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 皆さん、命令が来ました。行きましょう!Play Orders came through, everyone. Let's go!
Starting a battle 敵発見、射撃準備!Play Enemy sighted. Preparing to shoot!
Skill activation 計算完了!さあ、覚悟してください!Play Calculation complete. Now, prepare yourselves.
待ってました!用意!Play I've been waiting for this! Take aim!
無駄です!全ての可能性が計算しました!Play It's useless! I've calculated all possible outcomes!
Heavily damaged うっ、私の計算、ミスがされましたか?Play *cough* Was there a mistake in my calculations?
Retreat そんな、私の計算に、なにか間違いがあるというですか?Play No way...where did I go wrong with my calculations?
MVP 作戦完了!計算通りです!皆さん、よく頑張りました!Play Operation complete, just as I had calculated! Great job, everybody!
Restoration 呜啊,果然是我失策了。 うお…やっぱり、しくじっじゃたみたいです。Play Wah, misjudged that one badly.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween トリックオアトリート!って言いすぎて、声が涸れてしまいました。あんな形で人を驚かすつもりはなかったですけど。Play TRICK OR TREAT! I said too much and my voice was too loud. I never meant to surprise everyone like that.
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官!皆さんと一緒にツリーを飾り付けしましょう!Play Merry Christmas, Commander! Let's go decorate the tree together!
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます、指揮官。皆さんと合唱を練習しました。聞いてもらいますか?


Happy New Year, Commander! We've been practicing our choir singing. Wanna hear it?
Valentine's day 指揮官こ…これ受け取ってください!あまり綺麗じゃないけど次はもっと上手に作りますから!


Commander, h-here...please accept this! Sure it doesn't look that pretty, but I'll definitely make you a better one next time!
Tanabata 私の願いは皆さんとずっと一緒にいられること。でもこれは願いとは言えないかな。もう叶いましたから。


My wish is to be with everyone all the time. But is that really a wish? It's already come true!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play