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NTW-20 Quotes Quotes (Old) Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition NTW-20狙击步枪,就算是钢铁,我也会贯穿给你看! 指揮官、対物ライフルのダネルエヌティーダブルトゥエンティーだ、鋼鉄の壁であろうとも、この私が貫いて見せよう。Play Commander, I'm Denel NTW-20. Whether it steel or wall, i'll shoot it through.
Introduction 大口径反器材狙击步枪,NTW-20,其设计初衷是制作一件多用途的狙击武器,所以可以发射各种特殊弹药。我可是在丰富经验和精良物资下诞生的精英产物呢。想在辽阔的战场上尽情轰杀对手时,让我来就绝对没错啦,指挥官。
Secretary 能别站在我身后吗? 私の後ろに立たないでくれないか。Play Can you not stand behind me?
谁?……什么啊,是指挥官呀。随便碰我的话,可是会受伤的哦。 誰だ?!…なんだ指揮官か、迂闊に触らないでくれ、怪我させてしまう。Play Who? ......what, commander. If you randomly touch me, you might get hurt.
狙击的任务就交给我吧。哪怕是在草原疾驰的猎豹,我也会一击命中的。 狙撃のミッションなら私に任せろ。草原を疾走する豹であろうか、一撃で仕留める。Play Leave sniping tasks to me. Even if it's a speeding cheetah through the grasslands, it'll only need one shot.
Secretary (post OATH)
Greeting やっと戻ったか、指揮官、待ちわびったぞ。Play You finally come back. Commander, i'm waiting for you.
T-Doll Produced 新しい銃が完成したようだ、私と同じくスナイパーか?Play It seems that a new girl is completed. Is she a sniper like me?
Joining an echelon やっとスナイパーの出番か。Play Finally it's sniper turn huh.
Enhancement これで射程がさらに伸びた、恩に着る。Play My firing range has extended further, my gratitude.
Dummy-linking 拡大完了、強くなりすぎじゃないのか?Play Expansion complete, amn't I become too strong?
Logistics (start) 行動開始か?任せてオッケー。Play Action start? Leave it to me.
Logistics (end) 任務完了、簡単すぎやしないか?Play Mission complete, isn't it too easy?
Autobattle Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出撃だな、ラジャー!Play Sortie isn't it, roger!
Starting a battle 敵をほそく、攻撃開始。Play Destroy the enemies, commencing attack.
Skill activation 狙い…発射!Play Taking an aim... shoot!
ターゲットはあいつだ、準備は良いか?Play That's the target, ready?
私を敵に回すとは、あさはかなやつめ。Play Turning me to the enemy is a morning meal.
Heavily damaged くっあーー!この私が…Play Gaah...! I'm...
Retreat すまない、撤退する。Play Sorry, I'll withdraw.
MVP さあー、帰るぞ。ミッションクリアだ!Play Well, let's go home. Mission clear!
Restoration 私にもこんな時があるのか?では、頼むぞ。Play There's time when i'm like this huh, then please.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 说到万圣节,要办变装派对吗?真期待呢。 ハロウインと言えば仮装パーティーだな、やるのか、パーティー?それは楽しみだ。Play Speaking of halloween, then there's party costume. Are you going to do it? I'll look forward to it.
Christmas 圣诞那天会下雪吗?从没见过下雪,真想看看啊…… クリスマスには雪が降るのか。雪は見たことないんだ、楽しみだな。Play Will it snow on Christmas? I've never seen snow, I really want to see it...
New Year's Day 指揮官、今年もよろしく頼むぞ。


Commander, i'm counting on you again this year.
Valentine's day ハート型のチョコは嫌いか?


Do you dislike heart-shaped chocolate?


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play