
Revision as of 01:53, 27 May 2018 by Tumnaselda (talk | contribs) (replaced some EN dialogues with official ones)

M93<img src="//iopwiki.com/images/c/c1/Infobox_name_3star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-top:355px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/4/43/Icon_HG_3star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:1px;margin-top:1px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:225px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:200px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:175px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/2/2c/Infobox_border.png" style="position:absolute;z-index:2"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/0/0a/M9_S.png" id=fullart_S style="margin-top:21px;min-width:256px"/>
Full name Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9
Country of Origin Italy[1]
Manufacturer Beretta[1]
Artist M.vv
Voice actor Aya Suzaki[2]

M9 is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.

Weapon Background

The Beretta 92FS, under US Army designation would be M9, full name is Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is a 9×19mm Parabellum pistol adopted by the United States Armed Forces in 1985.

The M9 won a competition in the 1980s to replace the M1911A1 as the primary sidearm of the U.S. military, beating many other contenders, and only narrowly defeating the SIG P226 for cost reasons. It officially entered service in 1990. Some other models have been adopted to a lesser extent, namely the M11 pistol, and other models remain in use in certain niches.

The M9 was scheduled to be replaced under a United States Army program, the Future Handgun System (FHS), which was merged with the SOF Combat Pistol program to create the Joint Combat Pistol (JCP). The JCP was renamed Combat Pistol (CP), and the number of pistols to be bought was drastically cut back. Following the completion of the Modular Handgun System program, the M9 is gradually being phased out by the SIG Sauer P320 under the designations M17 and M18.[1]

Character Info




Game Data

38(x1)76(x1) / 380(x5)
10(x1) / 30(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5)
11 29
9 66
8 56
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
42 61
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Affects all guns
Increases evasion by
10%(x1) / 12%(x2) / 15%(x3) / 17%(x4) / 20%(x5)
Increases damage by
10%(x1) / 12%(x2) / 15%(x3) / 17%(x4) / 20%(x5)


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition M9手枪!我可是很有人气的,请记住我吧! ベレッタM9なの! 人気者なの!Play M9 here! I'm super popular!
Introduction 为了取代陈旧的M1911,全新的半自动手枪试验和选拔开始了。不用多说,获胜者就是我,M9啦!顺便这名字也是那时得到的。
Secretary 好像被M1911讨厌了呀,是不是该搞好点关系呢~ なんかM1911ちゃんに嫌われてるみたい、仲良くなりたいなの!Play M1911 seems to hate me. I really wanna get along with her.
人气投票的排位又上升啦,真是开心呢! 人気投票の順位、また上がったなの! 嬉しいなの!Play My rank climbed again in the popularity poll! I'm so happy!
呜……好困啊……让我睡一会儿吧…… うぇぇ、眠くなったのは、少し休憩取るなの。Play Uh... So sleepy... Let me take a nap...
Secretary (post OATH)
You're all glittery today, Commander. It is, of course, all thanks to me. Praise me!
指挥官……果然是闪亮亮的我,最吸引您了吧? 嗯!我明白啦!那就让我们一起变得闪亮亮吧!嘻嘻——
指揮官、やっぱり私が一番輝いていて魅力的なのね! え?!違う?そうだったの?うん、分かったなの、一緒に輝こう!
Commander... So you do think I'm the most glittery and charming? No? Really? Ah, I get it now! Let's shine together then!
Greeting 指揮官様、お帰りなの!Play Welcome back, Commander.
T-Doll Produced 新しい子と出会うのが、楽しいなの!Play New encounters are still interesting!
Joining an echelon お化粧で忙しいなの!Play I'm busy with my makeup!
Enhancement 新しいカチューシャ?ありがとうなの~Play New bandana? Thank you~
Dummy-linking 私がいっぱい、輝いているチャンスもいっぱい!Play A lot of me, and a lot of sparkling chances!
Logistics (start) 輝いているM9、行ってきますなの!Play Sparkling M9, going out!
Logistics (end) 輝いているM9、戻りましたなの!Play Sparkling M9 is back!
Autobattle えへへ、やっぱり超人気者の私が必要なのね、今行くなの!Play Tehehee~ As expected, my little myself is essential. I'm coming right away !

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 早く終わらせて、お買い物でも行きたいなの!Play Let's do this fast, i want to do some shopping after !
Starting a battle 悪い子見つけたなの!Play I found the bad guys!
Skill activation 用意!撃っちゃいなの!Play Ready~ FIRE !
この超人気者の凄さを、思い知るといいなの!Play You'll know the magnificence of this super popular being!
Heavily damaged ヘェェ……痛いなの……Play Huhuu~... It hurts.
Retreat ヘェェ……負けるとは……聞いていないなの!……Play Fewww... Defeat... I've never heard of it.
MVP ヤッター!これで買い物行けるなの!Play Yay ! Now i can go do some shopping !
Restoration うぅぅ、あの終わコンには内緒にしてほしいなの。Play Awww... I wish you'd keep it secret from the others...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节最棒了!能收到好多糖果啊! ハロウインは好きなの!お菓子いっぱいもらえるなの!Play Halloween is the best! I can get so much candy!
Christmas クリスマスが大好きなの!私へのプレゼントはないなの?Play I love christmas! Is there no present for me?
New Year's Day 新年なの!おめでとうなの!


It's new year! Happy New Year!
Valentine's day チョコレート上げるなの!M9からの感謝の気持ちなの!


I'll give you this chocolate! This is my gratitude!


  • As the replacement for M1911, M9 doesn't get along with the latter very well.
