Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | GutenTag,我的长官。感谢您的赏识,G36从今天起,正式为您服务。 | Guten Tag。今日からはご主人様の専属メイドとなり、ご奉仕いたしゅます。 | Guten Tag, my commander. I'm very happy to receive your recognition, G36 will officially begin serving you, starting today. | |
Introduction | HK50?是的,长官,那是我之前的名字,稍稍有点怀念啊……曾经的突击步枪评选中,从大量枪支中胜出的我,而后被赋予了新的名字,G36。接受大家认可的我,现在也将以这个名字为您效劳,我的长官。 | HK50? Yes, commander, that was my former name, it's a little nostalgic... Among many assault rifles, I won out, and gained a new name, G36. The me that everyone recognizes, will serve you under this name as well, my commander. | ||
Secretary | 有什么需求请直说,我相信您的判断。 | If you have any requests, please go ahead. I trust your judgment. | ||
长官,需要加餐吗,我可以煎一点香肠哦。 | ご主人様、御代わりはいかがですか? 焼きたてのソーセージでございます。 | Commander, do you need anything else to eat, I can fry some sausage for you. | ||
长官,虽然解决您的困难是我的荣幸,可您要是一直这样,我就没法继续工作了啊。 | ご主人様の必要に答えるのは、私の務めです。 | Commander, although it's my honor to help you solve your problems, if you keep going on like this, I won't be able to continue working. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 忙碌的一天又要开始了,只有您才知道我有多辛苦呢……那么,这次采购您有什么想要的?我会继续对大家保密哦。
Another busy day is about to start, only you know how much work I do ...So, what do you need me to buy this time? I will continue to keep it a secret from everyone.
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OATH | 长官,都是因为您的开导和协助,我才能在大家面前扮演好自己的形象。 现在的我已经没事了,只要您在身边,我就能鼓起勇气,面对任何困难。
Commander, only because of your guidance and aid, I can portray my image in front of everyone well. The current me is fine, as long as you're by my side, I can gather my courage, and face any difficulty.
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Greeting | ||||
T-Doll Produced | 新しい見習いさん?厳しく指導します。 | New apprentice? I'll train her strictly. | ||
Joining an echelon | 面倒の事なら、メイドの私に任せて下さい。 | Please leave the troublesome things to me. | ||
Enhancement | Danke。指揮官の寝台は恩義をお返しいたします。 | |||
Dummy-linking | ||||
Logistics (start) | 貴方様の望みは、私が叶えて上げます。 | |||
Logistics (end) | これが貴方様の望んだ結果です。 | This is the result you're wishing for. | ||
Autobattle |