Story/Operation Cube/E1-3 (Part3)/Script

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[...The battle is coming to an end.]

G11: Objective accomplished. I’ve destroyed all four of Executioner’s limbs.

HK416: Seems like you’ve recovered quite well, Gr G11.

G11: I’m feeling much safer with you being my meat shield.

HK416: Be grateful. You would never have received this sort of generosity in the past.

UMP9: Hey, we’re all family now, don’t sweat the formalities.

HK416: I would love to believe you if you weren’t produced unconventionally.

UMP9: Haha, what’s the difference? Aren’t we living a pretty good life?

G11: It’s not good at all. I wanna go home...

HK416: Just accept reality. You lost your home a long time ago...

UMP45: You guys, quit chatting and help me inspect Executioner.

UMP9: Hehe, with communications blocked by the jammer, we can ask questions “nicely”.
(Kicks) Hey, any last words? We can pass a message to your boss for you once we move the jammer out of here.

Executioner: I’m afraid you won’t be passing out any messages...
Because this whole place is rigged with explosives!

G11: ...?! Explosives?

Executioner: There’s no escape for you! With the press of a button, Squad 404, the jammer, and everything else will be turned to dust.

UMP9: Wait a minute! Aren’t you guys supposed to be protecting the jammer?!

Executioner: That’s why Ouroboros is someone that does whatever she wants...
This was her plan all along. Hunter bought us time while explosives were placed all around the jammer.
It doesn’t matter what happens along the way, because as long as you reach this point, the ending for you will be all the same...

HK416: Ouroboros... Why would you go along with a suicidal plan like this?

Executioner: Squad 404, do the Griffin squads in your hands have a choice when it comes to orders?
When you send them to their death to accomplish a goal, will you consider their feelings?

UMP45: ...

UMP9: 45...

G11: So...we can’t go home anymore?

HK416: (Bitter laugh) Get on your knees and apologize, 45. I’ve been waiting for this for far too long.

Executioner: What awaits Dolls like us is neither heaven nor hell.
Squad 404...
You will disappear from this world along with me...

[At Area S06 Sangvis command center.]

Ouroboros: Agent...
I regret to inform you that our jammer has been destroyed in the explosion just now.
Executioner placed the explosives without my authorization and she seems to have destroyed herself along with Squad 404 in the explosion.

Agent: That jammer was instrumental in carrying out Parapluie. To exchange it for only four measly lives of ragtag T-Dolls...

Ouroboros: I apologize for ignoring the instabilities in the AIs of Hunter and Executioner and not being able to detect their dereliction of duty in a timely matter.
I have already dispatched teams toward the site of the explosion to confirm their deaths.

Agent: What is even there to confirm, Ouroboros?
Withdraw immediately. I want a detailed report, do you understand?

Ouroboros: Yes... Your wish is my command, Agent.

To all Sangvis units in Area S06...
...Expand your search area for 404 and pick up the pace.
Immediately converge on and destroy any Griffin T-Dolls found!
...Do not rely on the mech units, you must verify their deaths with your own eyes.
Nobody is leaving until Squad 404’s corpses have been confirmed!