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UTS-15 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哟☆初次见面,这里是UTS-15,当然这只是个暂用名啦!总有一天,我会拥有自己的艺名,成为大家所喜爱的偶像! Yo!☆ This is UTS-15, nice to meet you! That's just a temporary name, of course. One day I'll have my very own stage name and become a beloved idol!
Secretary 指挥官平常会关注什么样的偶像呢?对于艺名,有没有什么偏好呢?可以的话,请让我看看您的关注列表吧! Commander, what kind of idols do you usually follow? Got any preferences for stage names? If you don't mind, please let me take a look at the accounts that you follow!
我这两天去哪里了?因为没什么任务,就待在宿舍里酣畅淋漓地打了几天的游——呃,是在认真研究最近的美妆喔! Where have I been in the last two days? Well, I didn't have any assignments, so I gamed day and n—I mean, I put in some real effort in researching the latest beauty trends in my dorm!
指挥官,怎么一脸怀疑地看着我?有人举报我半夜偷偷去搬空了仓库的可乐和零食?!怎、怎么可能,我可是为了成为偶像一直坚持健康饮食的! Why are you looking at me so suspiciously, Commander? Someone accused me of emptying the Coke and snacks stored in the warehouse?! N-nonsense! I've always maintained a very healthy diet for the sake of becoming an idol!
Secretary (post OATH)
Y-you want to meet now?! But I've been holed up in my dorm for three days... Hm, I know I shouldn't hide my true self when I'm with you, but... at least let me tidy up a little!
Commander... Why... I'm clearly far from perfect and I'm not outstanding enough to become an idol yet... I don't deserve such a gift right now... ...This isn't me being self-important! I just... I understand. I will work hard on improving myself!
Greeting 打起精神来,看见我难道不该感觉活力充沛吗! Perk up! Doesn't the very sight of me fill you with energy?!
T-Doll Produced 我听见了,是我未来粉丝敲门的声音。 I can hear my future fans knocking on the door.
Joining an echelon 为了拯救世界,出发出发! Let's set off to save the world!
Enhancement 离成为偶像的目标又进了一步呢☆ I'm another step closer to my goal of becoming an idol!☆
Dummy-linking 诶嘿☆多了一个我,可以多开展一个项目了。 Tee-hee!☆ Another me, another new project.
Logistics (start) 1箱、2箱、3箱……等、等一下!我还有几箱行李没有搬上车啊,等等我啊—— One, two, three... H-hold on! I still have several suitcases to load onto the truck, wait for me!
Logistics (end) 指挥官,我回来了……别、别盯着我看啊!我现在可是颜值低谷时期…… Commander, I'm back... S-stop staring at me! I look hideous right now...
Autobattle 在我分享的音乐中,一起完成任务吧! Let's complete the mission together while listening to the playlist I just shared!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 在我美妙的歌声中完成华丽的演出吧! Let's put on a splendid performance as I sing!
Starting a battle 为了世界的爱与和平,我将消灭你们! For the sake of love and peace, I must exterminate you!
Skill activation 这可是充满爱的子弹! This is a bullet packed full of love!
我会用自己的方式守护世界! I will protect the world in my own way!
全部交给我吧! Leave it all to me!
Heavily damaged 真正的偶像……绝不会轻易放弃! A true idol... won't give up so easily!
Retreat 要离开了吗?我的舞台…… Is it time to bow out? My stage...
MVP 是一次成功的演出呢☆ A successful performance!☆
Restoration 在修理槽中也不能放弃形象管理! I must keep up my image even in the repair tank!
Attack 全体射击! Everyone, fire!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 才不要在脸上鬼画一通呢,就算是万圣节,我也不会放弃精致的妆容的!啊——谁?!是谁糊了我一脸卸妆水! I won't scribble all over my face! Even if it's Halloween, there's no way I'll ruin my exquisite makeup! Ahhh! Who did this?! Who rubbed makeup remover all over my face?!
Christmas 虽然很感激圣诞老人辛苦地为我们送礼物,但是果然还是不能理解钻烟囱的行为……会弄得衣服脏脏的,头发和妆容也会被毁掉诶…… I'm very grateful to Santa Claus for delivering all our presents, but I just don't get the point of coming down the chimney... It makes your clothes all sooty, and it messes up your hair and makeup...
New Year's Day 在这样热闹的时候,就应该开一场live啊!指挥官,别出去人挤人了,看我的演出就足够有新年气氛了! A live performance is just the thing for such a boisterous occasion! Commander, don't bother joining the crowd. Just stay and watch my performance!
Valentine's day 情人节快乐☆指挥官!这是我亲手制作的巧克力,快打开看看吧~上面的蓝色星星可是我的得意之作呢,您看见它就能想起我。 Happy Valentine's Day, Commander!☆ Here's my handmade chocolate. Unwrap it and have a look~! I'm quite proud of the blue star on it. It will remind you of me.
Tanabata 听说今天牛郎和织女会在鹊桥上相见,不知道他们约会的时候有没有合适的背景音乐? They say Hikoboshi and Orihime will meet again on a bridge of magpies today. I wonder if there's any suitable BGM for their date?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 重新部署站位! Rearranging formation!
Phrase 身为偶像…… As an idol...
Tip 指挥官,我正在进行成为偶像的必要修炼,不要打扰哦~ Commander, I'm in the middle of some essential idol training, so don't disturb me~
Loading 在等待的时候,听我唱首歌怎么样? How about I sing a song while we wait?