This template is used for T-Doll pages, fill in the parameters as instructed and it should create a T-Doll page with all the information intact.


Please remove the parameters that are left blank.

|title =
|index =
|nationality = 
|classification =
|rarity =
|manufacturer =
|artist = 
|fullname = 
|voiceactor =

| backgroundinfo =




|skillname =
|skillid =

| trivia =
| references =

Parameter list

The basic and most common parameters are as follows (see below for the full list):

title - deprecated
index - The index number of the T-Doll.
nationality - The country of origin of the gun.
classification - What class it belongs to in the game. Use abbreviations: HG/SMG/AR/RF/MG
rarity - The rarity of the T-Doll in stars, from 1 to 5.
manufacturer - The manufacturer (or manufacturers) that have produced the gun in the past.
artist - The artist behind the T-Doll.
fullname - Full name of the gun from its manufacturers.
voiceactor - The voice actor behind the T-Doll, if it has voice acting.
backgroundinfo - Content under the Background Info section. Typically information behind the gun itself.
min_dmg - Damage stat of the T-Doll at lv1.
max_dmg - Damage stat of the T-Doll at lv100.
min_eva - Evasion stat of the T-Doll at lv1.
max_eva - Evasion stat of the T-Doll at lv100.
min_acc - Accuracy stat of the T-Doll at lv1.
max_acc - Accuracy stat of the T-Doll at lv100.
min_rof - Rate of Fire stat of the T-Doll at lv1.
max_rof - Rate of Fire stat of the T-Doll at lv100.
min_hp - HP stat of the T-Doll at lv1.
max_hp - HP stat of the T-Doll at lv100.
min_armor - armor stat of the T-Doll at lv1(if applicable).
max_armor - armor stat of the T-Doll at lv100(if applicable).
clipsize - the number shots before reloading for shotguns and machineguns
mov - Movement speed of the T-Doll
craft - Production Time for the T-Doll
aura1 - First line for aura effects. Usually about what gun types it affects. E.G. Affect handguns
aura2 - Second line for aura effects. E.G. Increases rate of fire by 10%
aura3 - Third line for aura effects. Format is same as aura2, but this parameter may be omitted if the T-Doll does not have another effect
For HGs, instead of writing down the number (e.g. Increases rate of fire by 20%), Template:HG aura and enter Increases rate of fire by
10%(x1) / 12%(x2) / 15%(x3) / 17%(x4) / 20%(x5)

to automatically get the effect of the handgun each dummylink level.

tile1, tile2...tile9 - The tile to light up for the gun's tile effect. Put value 1 for affected tiles, put 0 for the T-Doll's location.The template uses numpad notation. E.G. To light up tile6(→), put |tile6 = 1
skillname - Name of T-Doll's skill
skillid - The corresponding icon filename of the skill. Do not add ".png" to it.

Additional Parameters

characterid - If the character has voice acting, this is based on the file name of the voice clips. See the current characterid list for the T-Dolls with voice acting so far here. By default this will be the page name.
X_CN, X_EN, X_JP - Various quotes for various lines, based the sound filenames:
Add _CN, _JP, _EN to the end for the respective language and use them as parameters:
Parameter Name Note
GAIN_ Acquisition
INTRODUCTION_ Introduction (in-game T-Doll index page)
DIALOGUEWEDDING_ Extra Secretary line after for Oathed T-Dolls
SOULCONTRACT_ During the Oath ceremony
ALLHALLOWS_ Halloween Secretary
CHRISTMAS_ Christmas Secretary
NEWYEAR_ Lunar New Year Secretary
VALINTINE_ Valintine's Day Secretary
BLACKACTION_ Autobattle Secretary
FEED_ T-doll Powerup/Enhancement
COMBINE_ Dummylinking
BUILDOVER_ T-Doll Production/Construction
FIX_ T-DOll Repair/Restoration
FORMATION_ Joining an echelon
GOATTACK_ Starting a mission
HELLO_ Log on
MEET_ Battle Start
RETREAT_ Defeated/Retreated
BREAK_ Heavily Damaged
OPERATIONOVER_ Logistics Complete
SKILL1_, SKILL2_, SKILL3_ Skill Activation
ATTACK_, DEFENSE_, PHRASE_, LOADING_ Unused, although you may wish to translate as it will be added when it's implemented in game.
trivia - Various trivia behind the gun or the T-Doll, but try to keep things objective
references - References used for this page. Make sure everything is within the CC 3.0 license. -


Skill data for T-Dolls all go the skilldata javascript sheet where the skill data for every t-doll is located. If you're interested in filling the data ask the gfwiki staff for permission.