Story/Emergency 8-3 (Part1)/Script

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Persica: Alright. They’re your new teammates.
Well? Aren’t they all lovely?

It is my honor to serve with such beautiful people...

Persica: No, they’re like you. They’re also T-Dolls.
Hmm... We still need to install... a weapon wielding software in your Imprint, don’t we?

M4A1:What? Weapon...?

Persica: Since it’s just a test for the AI... Let’s go with the most generic one.


Persica: There. Here we go. Assault Rifle M4A1.
This should be...the most commonly used weapon. With the corresponding software installed, you’ll be able to wield it with your own arm.


Persica: That’s right. From now on, the M4A1 is your bespoke weapon.
By the by, it is one of Kryuger’s weird quirks that T-Dolls should be named after their weapons...
So your name is now M4A1.

M4A1:My name is...M4A1...?

Persica: Hmm... What weapons should the other T-Dolls use...
It’ll be confusing if you’re all armed with the M4A1...
Guess I’ll give them your sister variants. After all, you’re now practically sisters.


Persica: Hmm... It might be a bit hard...for you to grasp this concept at this stage.
But don’t sweat it. Okay, M4, look at this.
M16A1, M4 SOPMOD II, and AR-15.
With that, all matches have been made. Be sure to get along from now on.

M4A1:Why...should we get along?

Persica: Uh...I told you. You’re sisters!
One should get along with their family.


Persica: Yeah, “family”. Do you feel warm and fuzzy hearing this word?

M4A1:Family... My family...
No, I have no family...

Persica: Huh?
But look, M4A1, their weapons look very similar to yours, don’t they?

No...weapons... No...

Persica: Uh...what do you mean “no”? They’re in the same series. There is no way I could’ve been mistaken.

M4A1:But why are their weapons...
Their weapons...
...Why are they all stained in blood?

Persica: ...?!

M4A1:Blood... Why...are they...all drenched in blood?
Miss Persica... Why... Why...

[M4A1 keeps repeating the same question.]

Persica: Dammit...
Is her neural cloud having a meltdown the sight of weapons?!
Sorry, M4. You’ll have to go back to sleep...


Persica: What other memory fragments...remain sealed...?
M16, please hurry up...