Story/Night 8-4 (Part1)/Script

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AUG: ...
It must’ve slipped your mind that these Sangvis communication devices most definitely contain the Parapluie virus. If you become infected...

IWS 2000: You’ll take over as the leader of this squad.
If I’m the only one who has to suffer, then so be it.

AUG: I’ll only cover for you temporarily, or are you trying to advertise how replaceable you are?

IWS 2000: ...
G17 and SSG are putting themselves in great danger. If you don’t want to watch me being rewritten...

AUG: I object.
Whatever they’re going through can’t be worse than what you’re doing to yourself here.

IWS 2000: The poisonous substance on my remains... means I was in direct contact with the cargo, right?

AUG: ...
If it wasn’t for the intel you acquired and requested of me to deliver back to base, we wouldn’t have uncovered any of this.

IWS 2000: Why didn’t you tell me anything about Dreamer or what I had done?
All you let me know was that “I failed”. You made me think...

AUG: Anything I said would only have added to your dismay. That’s why I chose to be vague.

IWS 2000: ...Then why did you ask SSG to search for our remains?

AUG: I made a promise.

IWS 2000: A promise?

AUG: There’s something we have to take back.

Glock 17: Hailing Fräulein IWS. We’re set here.

IWS 2000: ...
Understood. Then I’m leaving it to you.
Let’s go, AUG. Is the warning message for the Commander ready?

AUG: The moment you send it out will be when I despise you the most.
...Bad timing.

IWS 2000: What?

AUG: Look at the sky. It’s starting to rain.


Dreamer: Oh? Are you targeting our communications outpost?
Interesting idea, but it hardly matters in the end...
Now, who will perish first; the Griffin Commander, or you?