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{{T-Doll|title = M1895
|nationality = Russia
|index = 5
|nationality = Russian Empire
|classification = HG
|classification = HG
|rarity = 2
|rarity = 2
|manufacturer =Nagant  
|faction = [[Griffin & Kryuger]]
|artist = X布
|manufactureringame = [[I.O.P.]]
|manufacturer = Fabrique d'armes Émile et Léon Nagant, Tula, Izhevsk, Państwowa Fabryka Karabinów
|artist = {{artist name|X布}}
|fullname = Nagant M1895 Revolver
|fullname = Nagant M1895 Revolver
|voiceactor = Narumi Shinozaki
|voiceactor = {{voice actor name|Shinohara Narumi}}
|characterid = M1895
|releasedon = {{doll_server_alias|server=CN|alias=纳甘左轮|year=2016|month=5}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=TW|alias=納甘左輪}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=KR|alias=나강 리볼버}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=EN|alias=M1895}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=JP|alias=M1895}}
| weaponinfo =
The Nagant M1895 is a seven-shot revolver designed and produced by Belgian industrialist Léon Nagant for the Russian Empire. The Nagant revolver was chambered for a proprietary 7.62×38mmR cartridge, and featured an unusual "gas-seal" system, in which the cylinder moved forward when the gun was cocked, to close the gap between the cylinder and the barrel, providing a boost to the muzzle velocity of the fired projectile and allowing the weapon to be suppressed (an unusual ability for a revolver).<ref name= "wiki">[[wikipedia:Nagant M1895|Wikipedia entry on Nagant M1895]]</ref>
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|aura1= Affects all weapons.
|aura2= Increases damage by 25%
|aura3= Increases Crit rate by 10%
|skillname = Firepower Supression N
|skillid =nightpowDebuff
| GAIN_CN =哎呀指挥官,您居然喜欢我这种资历的人嘛,品味还真特别啊。
| GAIN_EN =Oh my, for you to like someone of such background such as myself, you sure have strange tastes commander.
| DIALOGUE1_CN =对我的身高这么在意吗?别老是问这种问题呀。
| DIALOGUE1_EN =Do you care about my height that much? Don't always ask questions like these.
|drop= Can be obtained from any battle stage
| DIALOGUE2_CN =别随便摸我的头,居然敢拿我当小孩子!
|reward=Upon creating a new profile, players will start with Nagant Revolver, along with 2 other HG's
| DIALOGUE2_EN =Don't pat my head so casually, how dare you to treat me like a child !
|aura1= Affects all guns
| DIALOGUE3_CN =喝了牛奶就能变高吗……别骗我啊
|aura2= Increases damage by {{HG aura|32}}
|aura3= Increases critical rate by {{HG aura|16}}
| DIALOGUE3_EN =I'll get taller if I drink milk, huh.......You'd better not be lying.
|mod1_aura1= Affects all guns
| INTRODUCTION_CN =为了阻挡更顽强的敌人,本国着手研制新的制式手枪,在史无前例的严苛选拔中,我有幸成为了优胜者,并获得了M1911这个名字。战争期间曾多次立下奇功,即使战后数十年依然受到重用。指挥官,您的安全,请安心交给我吧。
|mod1_aura2= Increases damage by {{HG aura|36}}
|mod1_aura3= Increases critical rate by {{HG aura|20}}
|tile2= 1
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =长官,我的心意……终于得到了回应吗?<>嘻嘻♪您的决定这么突然,反而让我不知所措……<>今后的日子,我要好好反击回来!
|tile4= 1
|tile8= 1
|tile5= 0
| backgroundinfo =The Nagant M1895 Revolver is a seven-shot, gas-seal revolver designed and produced by Belgian industrialist Léon Nagant for the Russian Empire.The Nagant M1895 was chambered for a proprietary cartridge, 7.62×38mmR, and featured an unusual "gas-seal" system, in which the cylinder moved forward when the gun was cocked, to close the gap between the cylinder and the barrel, providing a boost to the muzzle velocity of the fired projectile and allowing the weapon to be suppressed (an unusual ability for a revolver).
| trivia =*One of the many common enhancement fodders.
|costume1 = [Neural Upgrade]
| references =*[ Wikipedia entry on Nagant Revolver]
|costume2 = Astral Bond
*[ Moegirl entry on Nagant Revolver]
|costume3 = Rouge Snow Princess
|costume4 = Cream in the Nebula
|costume5 = Trumpeter of the Azure Waves
|costume6 = Historian of Thievery
File:Nagant Revolver_S.png|Profile image
File:Nagant Revolver.png|Full artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_D.png|Full damaged artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume1_S.png|Neural Upgrade profile image
File:Nagant Revolver_costume1.png|Neural Upgrade full artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume1_D.png|Neural Upgrade full damaged artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume2.png|"Astral Bond" full artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume2_D.png|"Astral Bond" full damaged artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume3.png|"Rouge Snow Princess" full artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume3_D.png|"Rouge Snow Princess" full damaged artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume4.png|"Cream in the Nebula" full artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume4_D.png|"Cream in the Nebula" full damaged artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume5.png|"Trumpeter of the Azure Waves" full artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume5_D.png|"Trumpeter of the Azure Waves" full damaged artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume6.png|"Historian of Thievery" full artwork
File:Nagant Revolver_costume6_D.png|"Historian of Thievery" full damaged artwork
File:Night in the Galaxy Login Wallpaper.png|"Night in the Galaxy" Login wallpaper illustrated by 黒井ススム
| trivia =*Probably speaks in an old Russian accent.
*On the EN server version of Girls' Frontline, this gun's name was changed to ''M1895'', to avoid copyright issues.
*Nagant Revolver wanting to drink milk to grow taller is a stereotype popularized in anime, where female characters believe drinking milk will help their breasts grow larger.