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Kuro Story Profile Quotes


Kuro's personality doesn't change a bit from MDR's. She was already a net-addict and a foul-mouthed gamer. She is very sociable, cocky and passionate.

Really the only difference between the two is that Kuro has a slightly different hairstyle and a lighter hair color, and that her closed eye on her base artwork is the reverse from MDR's.

Side Stories[edit]


"I can't sleep yet, I still have work to do..."

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Kuro and Nanaka are the main characters of the Livestreaming Event story.

Kuro was being pursued by Sanctifiers at the edge of Burbank Sector. She frantically attempted to gain access to the sector and was successful in securing entry. Kuro was shocked to find that the once-bustling sector, previously known as Magrasea’s Sleepless city and the pinnacle of entertainment, was silent without neon signs and songs filling the air. She stopped a passerby to ask what had happened to the sector and was informed that Burbank had been out of business for a very long time due to the extended absence of human visitors. Kuro angrily screeched that entertainment was not the exclusive privilege of humans and that even AIs need art and happiness to avoid getting old. As more bystanders took notice, she pointed up to sky proclaiming entertainment to be bland and dull without her; therefore, she resolved to bring the neon lights back to Burbank’s night.

Magrasea's Lang Syne[edit]

Kuro attempted to pawn the assignment of planning for the New Year's celebration to Daiyan, furiously thinking of a reasonable excuse to do so. She used flattery, sharing with Daiyan that she had watched videos of her performances and found them fascinating. Kuro noted that they were desperately in need of someone talented to put together a big event. Daiyan stated that she had never organized a celebratory event, but Kuro claimed to believe in Daiyan and that the Oasis' administrators had been so busy that they were practically pulling their hair out. Kuro managed to convince Daiyan of meeting the Professor to discuss the event, at which point Daiyan brought up Kuro mentioning the lack of manpower to help prepare for the celebration. The Professor glanced at Kuro, suspecting her intentions. Eventually the Professor did ask Daiyan to take charge of preparing the event, resulting in Kuro breathing a huge sigh of relief. She then attempted to leave, but was stopped by Persicaria who then gave her additional tasks for the event. As Kuro balked at her failed attempt to escape her responsibilities, Daiyan smiled and noted that Kuro had reminded her of her younger sister.

Kuro was tasked with showing Daiyan around the Oasis, but then suddenly collapsed outside, pretending to be incapacitated by recent exertions. Daiyan began bringing Kuro to the Medical Department, noting that Florence was the physician-on-call that day. Kuro internally screamed as she debated if telling Daiyan the truth or being under the care of Florence was worse.

Later, Kuro suddenly interrupted Aki's attempt to get a autograph from Daiyan, screaming out to Sockdolager to save her from Florence who was chasing after her. Kuro begged Aki to save her, pointing out that he was supposed to be a bodyguard. However, Aki noted that Kuro had stolen the last serving of unagi rice from the cafeteria a few days ago. Kuro saw that Florence was preparing her syringes and grabbed Aki to put him between her and Florence, resulting in Aki receiving the syringe concoction instead.