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10 bytes removed, 17:50, 11 April 2022
Minor spacing and capitalization errors fixed; FORMATION- simplified english. FEED - fixed posessive to be more natural in English OPERATIONBEGIN- 寂し is "Lonely" not prior "depressed"and altered word order.
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN =Darling,你这边还需要什么呢?已经是这种关系了,也没什么好客气了吧?
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Darling, you need anything over there ? We are already in this relationship, there need to be so courteous about is it ?
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_KR = 달링, 여기서 갖고싶은거 있어? 우리사이에 뭐 어때, 사양하지 않아도 괜찮다구?
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 长官,我的心意……终于得到了回应吗?嘻嘻♪您的决定这么突然,反而让我不知所措……今后的日子,我要好好反击回来!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官様、私の気持ちが…やっと報われたのかな?えへへ、あ…あんまり急過ぎるから、どうしていいか分かんない…あ!これからは頑張って反撃しちゃいますからね!
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Commander, my feelings ...I guess it was finally rewarded ...oh ...oh, it's too hasty, I do not know what to do ...oh! I will do my best to fight back from now on!
| SOULCONTRACT_KR = 지휘관님 저의 기분이…드디어 맺어진 걸까나? 에헤헤, 너…너무 갑작스러워서 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠어…핫! 지금부터 노력해서 반격할 테니까요!
| HELLO_JP = おやおや、今日は何をしますか?
| HELLO_EN = Hey there~ So , what are we going to do today ?
| HELLO_KR = 어라라라~, 오늘은 무엇을 하실 건가요?
| FORMATION_JP = ナイスチョイスです!
| FORMATION_EN = it's a nice Nice choice!
| FORMATION_KR = 나이스 초이스입니다!
| FEED_JP = ダーリンの愛を感じます~
| FEED_EN = I can feel the love of my Darling's love~
| FEED_KR = 달링의 사랑이 느껴져요!
| COMBINE_JP = 編成完了~私がいっぱい、愛がいっぱいですよ~
| COMBINE_EN = Upgrade done ! There is a lot of me, and a lot of love~ ! <!--approximative-->
| COMBINE_KR = 편성 완료~! 제가 잔뜩, 사랑이 잔뜩이에요~!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 指揮官様、行って参ります。寂しがらないでくださいね。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = Commander, iI'm going out. DonPlease don't get depressed let yourself feel too much please lonely!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_KR = 지휘관님 다녀오겠습니다. 쓸쓸해 하지 말아주세요.
| BLACKACTION_JP = 指揮官様、私はここですよ、早く見て~
| BLACKACTION_EN = Commander !!! I am right here ! Hurry up and look at me~~ !
| BLACKACTION_KR = 지휘관님, 저 여기에 있어요! 빨리 봐주세요~
| GOATTACK_JP = 出撃だ~私の帰りを、ちゃんと待っていて下さいね。
| GOATTACK_EN = Advance !!! Be sure to wait for my return.
| GOATTACK_KR = 출격이다! 제 귀환을 기다려 주세요!
| SKILL2_JP = 指揮官様に、いいところ見せないと!
| SKILL2_EN = For commanderCommander, I must show my good side!
| SKILL2_KR = 지휘관님에게 좋은 모습을 보여드려야!
| BREAK_JP = ダーリンの愛があれば……私は、無敵です!
| BREAK_EN = As long as i I have my love for Darling, i I am invincible!
| BREAK_KR = 달링의 사랑이 있으면…저는, 무적입니다!
| RETREAT_JP = そんな…ダーリンの力になれなかったなんで……
| RETREAT_EN = impossibleImpossible... My power for Commander was not enough... ?
| RETREAT_KR = 이런…달링의 힘이 될 수 없다니…
| WIN_CN =
| FIX_CN =
| FIX_JP = 補給の用意はできましたか?指揮官様、優しくしてくださいね。
| FIX_EN = Have Are you done with emergency care? Commander, please be gentle with me.
| FIX_KR = 보급의 준비는 되었나요? 지휘관님, 상냥하게 해주세요.

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