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wz.29 Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是wz.29……指挥官,我们无论如何……都免不了一场战斗对吧? Karabinek 29、です。……指揮官、どうしても戦闘は避けられないのですか?Play Karabinek 29...Commander, is there absolutely no way we can avoid fighting?
Introduction wz.29……这是我不得不背负的名字,是1924年毛瑟式标准型步枪的同型枪之一。为了家乡的和平安宁……我成为了战争的武器,希望在指挥官的身边……我再也不用感受斗争的痛苦和悲伤……这也是我仅剩的,战斗的理由了。 wz.29... This is a name I had no choice but to carry. One of the similar models of 1924 Mauser Standard rifles, for the peace of my homeland... I became a weapon of war. Hopefully by the Commander's side... I won't experience the pain and suffering of war ever again... That is also the only reason of fighting I have left.
Secretary 指挥官,我们是为了和平才战斗的……对吧? 指揮官、私たちは、平和のために戦っている……そうですよね?Play Commander, we are fighting for peace... Right?
我想住在星星上……那样就可以再也不用听见枪声了。 星に住んでみたい……あそこならきっと、銃声も届かないでしょうね。Play I wish to live amongst the stars... That way I will never be able to hear gun shots.
指挥官,这是您……表达友好的方式吗? 指揮官、これは……好意を示す形ですか?Play Commander, is this how... You express your friendliness?
Secretary (post OATH)
Ah, Commander...since when have you been standing there? ......Have you been staring this whole time?
Commander...have you finally understood my ideals? ...I want you to continue watching over me...and to watch over these beautiful stars with me.
Greeting 今日も平和に過ごせれば良いですけど。Play I wish we could spend this day in peace.
T-Doll Produced 平和のために、一緒に頑張りましょう。Play For the sake of peace, let us do our best together.
Joining an echelon みんな、仲良くしましょうよ。Play Let us all get along.
Enhancement こんな力、ないほうが良いのに...Play Perhaps it'd be best if we didn't have this power...
Dummy-linking 運命に弄ばれ(もてあそばれ)る人が、また増えました...Play The numbers of those who have been played by fate have increased again...
Logistics (start) ただ物資を探すだけなら、私に任せてください。Play If you're looking for supplies, just leave it to me.
Logistics (end) 今回の結果は、指揮官を失望させないのでしょうか。Play Did you find this result to be disappointing, Commander?
Autobattle 気にしないで…命令だから、ちゃんとやります。Play Don't worry...these are orders, so I'll follow them properly.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 命令なら、従わなくてはいけませんよね?Play Orders should be obeyed, right?
Starting a battle ごめんなさい、私もそれを避けたいですが…Play I'm sorry, and I wanted to avoid it too...
Skill activation 私も頑張らなくては!Play I must do my best!
許してください。Play Please forgive me.
私の宿命です!Play This is my destiny!
Heavily damaged 痛い…ほんとうに、いたい…Play It hurts...i-it really hurts...
Retreat この道を選んだ以上、相応の対価を払わなければなりませんよね。Play One must pay the price for choosing to stay on this path.
MVP ごめんなさい、多くの人を苦しみから救うため、私たちは勝つしかありません。Play I'm sorry, but winning is the only way to save others from suffering.
Restoration こんな苦しいこと、いつまで続くのでしょうか。Play How much longer must we endure this suffering?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween みんなお菓子が貰いないからって悪ふざけはいけませんよ。Play Everyone, just because you didn't get any candy doesn't mean you should go around and trick people.
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官。ずっとこんな楽しい日々続けばいいのに。あいつさえいなければ…Play Merry Christmas, Commander. I wish these fun days could last. Even if you don't have that guy...
New Year's Day 指揮官、せっかくの新年だから少しでものんびり過ごしましょう。


Commander, let's relax a little on this precious New Year.
Valentine's day 指揮官特別に星型のチョコを作りましたよ。あ、まさかいきなり食べるなんてしませんよね?


Commander, I made a star-shaped chocolate just for you. Ah, is it possible that you don't want to eat it right away?
Tanabata 彦星の南に行くと射手座があります。平和の象徴となるあの星に願いは叶うよ、私は祈ります。


To the south of Altair, there's Sagittarius constellation. As a symbol of peace which the star is, I pray to it for my wish to come true.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是WZ.29……指挥官,我们无论如何……都免不了一场战斗对吧? wz.29です……指揮官、どうしても……戦闘は避けられないのですか?Play 저는 캐러비넥29예요...지휘관님, 저희는 결국...싸움을 피할 수 없는 거겠죠...? I am wz.29... Commander... There's no avoiding battle no matter what we do, right?
Secretary 我的家乡是一个很和平的地方。我们可以纵情玩闹,晚上偷偷溜出门也不用担心被坏人带走,是很好的地方。今年的年份……?2060年,怎么啦? 私の故郷は、とても平穏な所でした。思う存分遊びまわれますし、夜にこっそり抜け出しても、悪い人に捕まることはないくらいとってもいい場所なんです。今年が何年か、ですか……?2060年ですが、それがなにか?Play 제 고향은 아주 평화로운 곳이에요. 마음껏 뛰어놀 수 있고, 밤에 몰래 나가도 나쁜 사람한테 잡혀갈 걱정 없는 좋은 곳이랍니다. 올해가 몇 년도냐고요? 그야 2060년이죠, 왜요? My homeland is a very peaceful place. We could play around as much as we wanted and we wouldn't have to worry about being kidnapped by bad people even if we went out at night. It's a wonderful place. You want to know what year it is? It's 2060, why do you ask?
虽然不记得怎么来到这儿的了,总之要帮您的忙对吧?没关系的,我也会做很多事,请不要小看我。 どうやってここに来たかは覚えてませんが、とにかくあなたのお手伝いをすればいいんですよね?大丈夫です、私にも色々なことができますから。見くびってはいけませんよ。Play 어쩌다 여기 오게 됐는진 모르겠지만, 당신을 도와드리면 되는 거죠? 걱정 마세요, 저 할 줄 아는 거 많으니까 얕보지 마세요. While I don't remember how I came here, I need to help you out, right? Don't worry, I can do many things. Please don't make light of me.
我可以在这个上面绑蝴蝶结吧?只是光秃秃的一条木头多寂寞啊,绑上带子就变得好看了。 ここにリボンを巻いても?むき出しのままでは、この木が寂しそうです。見栄えよく飾ってあげましょう。Play 여기에 리본을 달아도 될까요? 그냥 나무 막대만 있으면 허전하잖아요, 리본을 달면 훨씬 보기 좋아요. Can I tie a ribbon on this? A bare piece of wood is so dreary. It'll look much better if I decorate it.
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관님, 전 언제 집에 돌아갈 수 있을까요? 여기 생활이 즐겁다는 걸, 고향 친구들한테 알려 주고 싶어요.
Commander, when can I go home? I've been very happy living here, and I want to tell all my friends back in my hometown.
好漂亮的戒指呀!是给我的吗? 太好了,我好喜欢! 但是,指挥官的眼睛要更亮呢。
なんて綺麗な指輪なのでしょう!私にくれるんですか? 嬉しいです!私、とても気に入りました! でも、指揮官の目のほうがもっと輝いて見えます。
예쁜 반지네요! 저한테 주시는 건가요? 고마워요, 너무 마음에 들어요! 그래도 지휘관님의 눈이 더 반짝반짝해요.
What a lovely ring! Is it for me? How wonderful, I like it very much! But your eyes are prettier, Commander.
Greeting 希望今天能是和平的一天…… 今日も平和に過ごせればいいですけど……Play 오늘도 평화롭게 보낼 수 있으면 좋을 텐데... Hopefully today will be a peaceful once...
T-Doll Produced 和我们一起为了和平而努力吧。 平和のために、一緒に頑張りましょう!Play 평화를 위해 같이 힘냅시다. Come strive for peace with us.
Joining an echelon 请大家稍微安静…… どうか静粛にお願いします……Play 여러분, 좀 조용히 해주세요... Please be quiet, everyone...
Enhancement 明明不该有这种力量的…… こんな力……無いほうがいいのに……Play 이런 힘은 없는 편이 나은데... I shouldn't have this strength in the first place...
Dummy-linking 被命运玩弄的家伙又多了一个…… 運命に弄ばれる人がまた増えました……Play 운명에 놀아나는 자가 또 한 명 늘었습니다... Yet another person has become fate's plaything...
Logistics (start) 只是寻找物资的话,我还是没问题的。 ただ物資を探すだけなら、私に任せてください。Play 물자를 찾는 것뿐이라면 맡겨주세요. I can manage if it's just looking for supplies.
Logistics (end) 指挥官,希望这次的结果不会让您失望…… 今回の結果は、指揮官を失望させないのでしょうか……?Play 이번 결과, 지휘관님을 실망시키지 않을까요? Commander, I hope you're not disappointed with our results this time...
Autobattle 不用在意我……因为是命令,我会去做的。 気にしないで……命令だから、ちゃんとやります。Play 개의치 마세요, 명령인 이상 따를 테니까요. Don't worry about me... I'll do it since it's an order.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 命令的话,是无法逃避的吧…… 命令なら、従わなくてはいけませんよね……Play 명령은 따를 수밖에 없겠죠... If it's an order, there's no avoiding it...
Starting a battle 抱歉,我也不希望变成这样…… ごめんなさい、私もそれを避けたいですが……Play 미안해요, 저도 가능하면 피하고 싶지만... I'm sorry, I didn't want this to happen either...
Skill activation 这样会痛吗? こうされたら痛いですか?Play 이러면 아파요? Does this hurt?
别怕,别怕…… 怖がらない、怖がらない……Play 안 무서워, 안 무서워... Don't be scared, don't be scared...
不要哭。 泣かないで。Play 울지 말아요. Don't cry.
Heavily damaged 呜!为什么要这样…… っ――!どうしてこんなことを……Play 윽! 왜 이런 짓을... (Wince) Why did it have to come to this...
Retreat 既然选择了这条路,我们就得付出这样的代价吧?…… この道を選んだ以上、相応の対価を払わなければなりませんよね?Play 이 길을 선택한 이상 대가를 치러야만 하는 거겠죠? Is this the price we must pay now that we've chosen this path?
MVP 抱歉……为了让更多人免受痛苦,我们只能赢下去了。 ごめんなさい……多くの人を苦しみから救うため、私達は勝つしかありません。Play 죄송해요... 많은 이들을 고통에서 구원하기 위해서 전 이겨야만 해요. I'm sorry... But in order to spare more people pain, all we can do is keep winning.
Restoration 等病好了,就一起去看星星吧? 元気になったら、一緒にお星さまを見に行きませんか?Play 다 나으면 같이 별을 보러 가요. Can we go see the stars after I get better?
Attack 再危险也要……! どんな危険があっても……!Play 아무리 위험해도...! Even if it's dangerous, I still need to...!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 大家……就算没有糖果,也不可以捣乱哦? 여러분... 사탕이 없다고 장난치지는 말아주세요? Everyone... you mustn't trick even if there are no treats, okay?
Christmas 圣诞快乐,指挥官……嗯,真希望每天都能这么开心……如果没有那些家伙的话。 메리 크리스마스, 지휘관님. 이렇게 즐거운 날이 계속 이어지면 좋을 텐데... 놈들만 없었으면... Merry Christmas, Commander... Hm, if only every day could be as happy as this one... Provided they weren't around.
New Year's Day 指挥官,趁着新年假期……好好享受一下这片刻的安宁吧。 지휘관님, 모처럼 새해니까 느긋하게 지내요. Commander, please take advantage of the new year vacation and...enjoy this peace and quiet.
Valentine's day 指挥官,我特意把巧克力做成了星星的形状……唔,您不会舍得吃掉吧? 지휘관님, 초콜릿을 특별히 별 모양으로 만들어봤어요... 앗, 설마 한 번에 다 드시는 건 아니겠죠? Commander, I specially made this chocolate to look like a star... Um, you're not going to eat it, are you?
Tanabata 从牛郎星向南的地方就是人马座,它象征着和平……我会向它祈祷着那个愿望的实现。 견우성 남쪽에 궁수자리가 있어요. 평화를 뜻하는 저 별자리에 소원을 빌겠어요. To the north of Hikoboshi is Sagittarius, which symbolizes peace... I will pray that its wish comes true.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 果然还是不行…… やっぱり、ムリ……Play 역시 무리야... I can't do it after all...
Phrase ……没关系。 ……平気です。Play 괜찮아요. ...Never mind.
Tip 指挥官,那里好亮! 指揮官!あそこのほう、輝いてます!Play 지휘관님, 저기가 밝아요! Commander, it's bright over there!
Loading 唔……啊,不小心发呆了。 ……あっ、すみません。ボーっとしていました。Play 으음... 앗, 딴 데 정신 팔려 있었네요. Mm... Ah, I accidentally spaced out.