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< Tareus
Tareus Assimilated Quotes
Full name Tareus
Affiliation Paradeus
Voice actor Nozomi Nagumo
Artist Unknown
Initial Rarity 3
Tags Armored, Humanoid, Ranged
Released on CN (塔亚柔斯), TW (塔亚柔斯), KR (타레우스), EN
Chibi animation
Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

Ringleader type assimilated Paradeus unit.


How to obtainEdit

ASSIMILATION Can be obtained as a possible encounter in "Future" Carriage F02 on Ruptured Ground with a capture chance of 25%.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward


Analysis Level 0 & Level 1
Deployment Cost 10
  Health 534(x1)
  Damage 106   Evasion 36
  Accuracy 81   Rate of Fire 36
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 10   Armor 16
  Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A

Analysis Level 1 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
  Health 1748(x1)
  Damage 408   Evasion 75
  Accuracy 186   Rate of Fire 74
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 10   Armor 44
  Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A
Formation Effect Increase

Analysis Level 2 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
  Health 1998(x1)
  Damage 408   Evasion 75
  Accuracy 186   Rate of Fire 74
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 10   Armor 50
  Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A
Increased HP and Armor

Analysis Level 3 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
  Health 2295(x1)
  Damage 447   Evasion 75
  Accuracy 186   Rate of Fire 74
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 10   Armor 50
  Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A
Increased HP and Damage

Analysis Level 4 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
  Health 2295(x1)
  Damage 447   Evasion 75
  Accuracy 186   Rate of Fire 74
  Crit. Rate 20%   Crit. Damage 150%
  Move Speed 10   Armor 50
  Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A
Active Skill Enhancement

This unit does not receive new dummies when Analysis Level increases.


Tile buffs

  1. Upgrade Level 1
    • Affects all T-Doll units
    • Increases damage by 12%, accuracy by 30%, critical hit rate by 15%
  2. Upgrade Level 2
    • Affects all T-Doll units
    • Increases damage by 20%, accuracy by 50%, critical hit rate by 30%

In-game description

Tareus, specialized mech-operating Nyto, she has high compatibility and synchronization with her mech, Miss Eve. She also specializes in hacking into T-Doll's neural cloud and engaging in lethal bombardment on a target. Multiple memory erasing and rewriting left her with a weak mind, causing her mood to become indifferent and irritable. The occasional remembrance of human emotions are quickly subdued by internal programs.

